Chapter Six

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Dawson's POV:

Before today, I had never considered myself a daydreamer. Never spent time with my head in the proverbial clouds. Never zoned out at the most inopportune times. But damn if I wasn't doing just that today. Hard not to when I swear I could still taste Harper's sweet and salty release on my tongue, when I can still hear her moan and her screams. I had kept my promise to her to have her screaming my name in a short amount of time, thinking that it would be enough to get me through the day but I should have known that wasn't going to be the case. The hard-on that I had been struggling with before going to the shop had only gotten worse; to the point that I was scared to look at my balls from fear of seeing them being a vibrant shade of blue. Was it really blue balls when you just got laid less than 12 hours ago?

Crawling from under the peanut trailer that had needed its wheel bearings greased, I looked around, happy to see that Caleb was nowhere around. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and would do anything in the world for him, but I just don't know how much more of his jokes or his pointing out the obvious situation between my legs that I can take.

As I made my way over the the barn to get a drink of water from the orange cooler that was almost always will with ice cold water -except for that one time Caleb and I made PJ in it when we were teens and forgot to empty it out before dad could find it- my thoughts crept back to the scene earlier in Harper's shop. I could boast all I wanted that I was this magic man when it came to my tongue on a woman's body, but if I'm being honest, I'm a little surprised that I actually pulled it off. Making a girl reach the pinnacle of Mount Orgasm that many times in only a handful of minutes was no small feat. I knew it said a lot about my skills but it also spoke a lot about how responsive she was to said skills. A man could be the best at 'eating the cookie' but if his woman was not trembling with desire and screaming his name when she rode the organic wave he brought on, was he really all that great?

Knowing that I was capable of achieving the impossible was one hell of an ego stroke –not that I needed one- but it did make me feel superhuman. Which is funny considering the fact that my cock has seemed to be doing its best impression of Iron Man mixed with Superman ever since, making it hard for me to find the reasons why I didn't drive my ass back to town, flip the open sign on her door to closed, and really take my time with her –her clients bedamned. If there was someone in her chair, I'd give them a show. Give this little town something really good to talk about. Hmmmm, fucking her with an audience. Have to keep that one in mind...

I was pulled from my line of thinking when my phone rang inside my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw that it was Mom.

"Hey Mom. How's dad?"

"Ornery as ever. Ready to get out of here." she said. I could hear an eye roll in her voice but it was obvious that she loved the old man.

"Have they said when he could come home?"

"Said some time today. But I think they only said that because they are tired of dealing with him. You know how he is when he doesn't get his daily dose of Pepsi and since they wont let him have one, he's been as mean as a damn rattlesnake."

"Go sneak him one. I'm sure they have some in the vending machines in the hall." I said, hopping up onto the workbench in the shop.

"I tried. They were sold out. They have the diet but you know what that would do." said mom, a mock shudder in her voice.

"Yeah, we don't need a repeat of that." I said, referring to the one time that mom had ordered him Diet Pepsi at dinner since they had been out of the regular. That had been before Caleb and I had been born but according to mom, Dad had taken one sip and you would have thought that someone had tried to poison him with rat poison or quinine or something. He'd spit all over the table, the floor, and even took his napkin and was wiping his tongue to get the taste out of his mouth. Since then, she hasn't even dared to order him a drink when they go out.

"Anyways, I was calling to see if you or Caleb could head this way so that y'all are already in town when they discharge your dad. I don't think that y'all would have to wait around too long. Like I said, the nurses and doctors are about tired of his shenanigans."

Maybe it came from 34 years of hearing mom word things to get her way or maybe I just needed an excuse to get out of town so that I didn't end up back at Harper's shop, but I jumped at the chance to be the one to pick them up. "Yeah, let me get a shower and I'll head that way." I said, hopping down from the bench and making my way over to my truck.

"Alright. See you in a few minutes. Love you!"

"Love you too mom."

Harper's POV:

As I walked into the community building for tonight's meeting, I scanned the crowd looking for Dawson. A smile came to my face when I found him sitting on the front row with his parents and mine on the other side. I didn't miss the empty seat that was directly beside Dawson. As I made my way over to the spot that had obviously been saved for me, I could feel the eyes of those in attendance on me. There was no doubt in my mind that they were all letting their imaginations run wild, wondering what exactly was going on with Dawson and I.

As if he sensed me, Dawson spun in his chair, his eyes locking with mine as a smile crept upon his face; a smile that sent butterflies into flight in my belly but also made my mind go towards all the wicked things that his mouth had done only a few hours ago –things that I hoped he could repeat again later tonight.

When I reached the empty chair, Dawson stood and pulled me into his arms a split second before his lips landed on mine in a kiss that had me weak in the knees. Suddenly, I didn't care that the room was filled with all the townspeople. I didn't care that we were simply adding fuel to the rumor mill fire. All that mattered was the stars that saw in my eyes and the feelings that bloomed deep inside as he held me. In that moment, I wanted to skip the meeting an get to the really good stuff; the sheet clawing, back arching, sweaty, rough sex part of what I already knew was coming later if I was reading the desperation in his kiss and the feeling the throbbing bulge in his pants correctly.

I could hear the whistles of the townspeople, the 'awwws' and the 'boooos' from some -namely the haters in the group that were obviously seeing that whatever chance they though they might have had with him before now obviously wasn't going to happen- when Dawson broke the kiss. But ask me if I cared in the least... Especially when he put his lips close to my ear and whispered "is that pussy still bare?"

At his words, I felt my nipples harden as a deep blush crept over my skin. I was pretty sure my thoughts were written all over my face but I just couldn't find it in me to give a shit. In fact, it was the I-don't-give-a-shit mentality and Dawson's boldness that made me feel bold enough to admit that I had decided on skipping the panties tonight because I knew it was going to drive him mad.

The look that came over his face then would have melted my panties if I had in fact had any on.

Dawson sat down in his chair and draped an arm around me, leaning down so that he was close to my ear once more. "Keep playing with fire darlin'" he said, his tone almost growling.

"Thought I proved this morning that I was fine playing with it." I whispered softly so that no one around us could hear what was being said. "But if you don't like it when I do then–"

"Oh I fuckin' love it and you know it." he whispered. 

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