Chapter Eight

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Dawson's POV:

Rolling out of Harper's bed and leaving her lying there naked and sleeping had been one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. Not because I felt bad about what happened between us last night but because I wanted to forget my responsibilities and just lose myself in her. Lord knows I had sure done that last night after I'd spilled my guts to her about what I was feeling and where things were headed for us. I meant every word I'd said and spent the rest of the night doing my best to prove to her that what was between us was really and truly real, that I wanted nothing more than to live the whole fairytale with her.

But as much as I hated leaving Harper this morning, I hated seeing the light on in my loft apartment. When Caleb and I were kids, mom and dad had made the room out play room, mostly because Caleb and I were known to get way too loud and too rowdy and mom got tired of us breaking things inside the house. Then, as teenagers, the playroom became the place that I would bring Harper when I wanted to get her alone. Caleb used it for the very same reasons. But when I got injured and had to come back home, mom and dad cleared out the loft and converted it into a one bedroom apartment with a small dinette and a shower; nothing fancy but enough for me to have my own privacy. Only problem with that though was that Caleb still looked at the place as "ours", coming in whenever he wanted, crashing on the couch more than he slept in his own bed. The fact that the light was on in the kitchen told me that he had spent the night at my place instead of going inside our parents home.

Switching off the engine, I climbed out of the truck and made my way up the flight of stairs that led up to the loft, preparing myself for Caleb's smart assy comments.

"Bout time you finally got that haircut." said Caleb as soon as I stepped through the door. "And wearing yesterday's clothes. Guess I don't have to assume where you were. But dude, please tell me that you at least showered and that Harper did not have to smell your funk all night." I watched as he lifted his coffee mug to his lips, a smirk on his face. Remember what I said about loving someone and wanting to beat the shit out of them all at the same time? Yeah well, this moment was one of those that I was talking about.

"Not that it is any of your damn business, but I did shower. Only I did so with Harper." I said, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring a lade mug full, skipping the cream and sugar. If I wanted something sweet, I'd just eat cake. I didn't need my coffee to be a drinkable desert.

"If showering with Har is why you have that goofy smile on your face and a pep in your step then maybe–"

"Finish that sentence and I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat your asshole will become your new mouth." I said, jealousy lacing my tone as I stepped closer to him.

"Dude, chill. I was just kidding. You know I have never and will never look at Har like that." said Caleb, holding his hands up in surrender.

"I know." I said, sinking down into the other chair around the cafe style table."I just– I cant fuck this up with her. I care about her so damn much."

"We all know that Daw. You and Har are like this town's greatest love story. Yeah, yall have been apart for awhile now but did you really think for a second that people weren't going to start taking bets on how long it was going to be before you two ended back up together?"

"Yall were betting on us? How the hell did I not know that?"

"Obviously. Hell, even mom and dad and Ms.Wanda and Mr. Raymond got in on the action." he said with a laugh as he leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms across his chest. "I will say, yall lasted longer than anyone thought. No one thought that it would take yall two years to come to y'all's senses. Most only gave it days, months at the most."

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