Chapter Twenty

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Dawson's POV

"So, Cal, what did you want to talk about?" I asked once everyone was finished eating their meal. I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been curious about what he wanted to talk to me about over dinner. Just like I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't in a hurry to get this over with so I could get back home and get Harper out of her dress. All throughout dinner, every bite of food that Harper had eaten had made me think of her lips wrapped around my cock, making the damned brainless wonder throb with need. Let's just say that it's a good thing that there were tablecloths on the tables...

"Well, there comes a time in a man's life when he realizes that he needs to start doing the things that he's always wanted to do before he gets too old to do them." said Cal, giving his wife, Ava, a knowing smile. "Over the past month, I have seen you turn our team into the team that I knew they could be with the right guidance. In just a few short weeks, these guys have grown to respect you more than they ever did me. Maybe it's because they know about your offer from the Braves, but I believe it's because you are meant to do this type of work. You were meant to lead these kids, help them hone their skills, and lead them on the path that they are meant to go on. Since you are younger, you can relate to these kids better than me. But more than that, this college needs an influx of younger staff, staff that these kids don't see as their parents or grandparents."

Harper's fingers tangled with mine, reminding me that she was by my side; as if I could ever forget.


"Dawson, let me finish. Let me give you the whole rundown before you start to balk and tell me that this isn't what you want. Because you can deny it as much as you want, but you deserve the position of Athletic director more than anyone else. You have roots to this place even if you didn't go here. You have roots in the area that date back generations. And correct me if I'm wrong, you have a degree in management that is just going to waste working on the farm and coaching these boys. And make no mistake, all the athletic director really is is a guy that manages people. Why not put what you have to good use while making a better wage than what you are now? You can't tell me that making more money wouldn't be nice when you still get to do what you love." said Cal, his words leaving my head spinning.

When I came back to Woodington, I never thought that I would be offered an opportunity like this. No, it wasn't with the Braves but even I couldn't deny that having my name attached to the college would go a long way in fundraising and putting our school on the map. No, my name wasn't as big as Catfish Hunter or Cal Ripkin, but people knew my name just as well.

"Cal, I- I dont know what to say."

"Say you will take the job. Ava has been by my side all these years. Now, it's time that I remind her how much it means to me that he has, even though I have made it a point to prove it to her everyday of our marriage. It's time that I take all those trips that we wanted to take. It's time that I embrace my golden age, become a retired man and sit back and relax, enjoying the fruits of my labor." said Cal, looking at his wife with so much love that there was no denying that he thought the world revolved around her. I could relate because for me, Harper was the sun, the moon, and all the stars in the sky.

"This is– this is unbelievable!" I said, standing from my chair. I walked around to the other side of the table where Cal was now standing and embraced him, slapping him on the back as I tried to hold back tears.

"You deserve it, Dawson. This department should have been run by a Harris all along but your dad didn't want it. Might be 40 years in the making, but a Harris will finally be sitting at the table, making the decisions on the college's behalf; like it should have been all along."

"You're talking like this is a foregone conclusion, like everything has already been settled, that you just needed to tell me about it before I signed any papers." I said, taking my seat once more. Harper's hand entwined with mine once more and I looked over at her. Love and pride shown in her eyes, making me feel like everything was right in the world.

"When you came and saw me that night," said Cal, entwining his fingers with Ava's and placing them on the tabletop, "the idea came to me. I knew that offering you that position without proving to the school that you are a valuable asset to it would have been a mistake so instead, I asked them to give you a month so you could show how capable you are. Within a week, the board was breathing down my neck, practically begging me to sell you on this idea. But I knew a week wasn't enough time for you to wrap your head around what I needed to propose. So I waited. But I can't wait any longer, Dawson. You deserve this. You deserve so much more than just the title of baseball coach. You deserve –and your woman deserves– for you to hold this prestigious position. No, it might not be what you wanted to be when you grew up when you were a kid, but I can tell you that it is just as rewarding. You will be responsible for making these kids' dreams come true. You will be the reason that they one day step out onto a major league field, living their dreams. But more than that, it will be you that they thank for pushing them, for providing them with the means to make their dreams come true, when they finally realize their dreams. No, it's not a monetary thing, but believe me when I say that hearing a kid talk about how you helped him, how you shaped them and believed in them is more rewarding than all the money in the world. You will never–"

"I will do it." I said in a rush, cutting him off. The smile he gave me told me that he already knew that I would.

"All the papers are drawn up and in my desk drawer. All you have to do is sign them," said Cal. "And we can do that in the morning. Right now, I think this calls for a celebration." 

Harper's POV:

As much as I wanted to get home, to celebrate Dawson's new promotion, I wanted to give him time for it all to fully sink in. This was huge for him; huge for us really. If that meant letting him stand in the middle of the baseball field on the pitcher's mound while I was tucked under his arm, then that was exactly what I was going to do, even if the wedge sandals were not ideal for walking on the dirt of the infield.

Tonight had been a whirlwind, starting with the excitement that had come from both sets of parents when we told them our news. Now Dawson had been offered the athletic director position. More than once since dinner I had pinched myself, making sure that I wasn't dreaming, that all of this wasn't just something that I had dreamt up in my mind.

"What are you thinking?" said Dawson, pulling me from my thoughts.

"That I can't believe any of this is real." I said, giving him the truth as I stepped in front of him and wrapped my arms around his waist, looking into his eyes.

"It's real, baby." he said, his hands cupping my cheeks. His lips landed on mine in a gentle kiss before he broke it, resting his forehead against mine. "It's real."

"Are you excited?"

"Excited aint the word. Honored fits better." said Dawson. "I never thought that something like this would happen to me. I never dreamt of doing a job like this. Much less did I think that I would have the woman that I loved by my side on the off chance that I did."

"I'm going to be right by your side no matter what. I would have been by your side if you decided to stay on at the farm. Hell, I would have stayed by your side if your dream was to flip burgers at a fast food place." I said, cupping his bearded cheeks, loving the feeling of the coarse hair beneath my palms. "I love you Dawson Lee Harris. We have our whole life ahead of us. And I can honestly say that I wouldn't want to do this with anyone other than you."

"Marry me." said Dawson, his words more of a statement rather than a question.

Maybe it was crazy on my behalf since we haven't been back together for very long at all, but I gave him the answer that I felt in my heart was the only choice I had.

"Yes." I whispered. 

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