Chapter 13:Love on Top

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adelein_1485:How about making a chapter about how their first time went you know hmm you can put a part where Kiyoi thought he was a top at first but then change his mind and accept the fact that he's a bottom 🤭


Kiyoi looked around the room.He was finally alone.Since Hira had gone to get groceries, this was the perfect time to do this. Feeling a little nervous, he brought up the search on his phone.

How do boys have sex with boys? He typed.

An abundance of responses immediately popped up. He hesitated minutely scrolling a few times before deciding which to open first.

He found a message board where people asked the same question as he did. He read the first response:

Anonymous1:The same as when a man and woman have sex. The finest aspect is that, in contrast to straight sex, we can both participate actively in intercourse. Both couples find it to be delightful. To enjoy the act, both guys must actively participate.Two guys are able to have sex and have the choice to both penetrate and be penetrated. For that, we use the back hole.

He bit his bottom lip and made a face.

The back hole. So that's what they call it? It didn't take much guessing to know which part of the body they were referencing.He and Hira were both boys. There was only one place for them to stick it.

He read another response.

NinetySixNine:They can give each other pleasure either orally or physically. There is also frottage, which, based on what I've heard, is very good. The majority of individuals automatically conjure up anal intercourse, which can be performed face-to-face or back-to-front.Of course, when two individuals are enjoying each other, they can lick, sucking, stroking, and caring for one another.Thus, two men can essentially accomplish anything that a man and a woman could do together.

Kiyoi's eyes widened. He had to search that.

Frottage :Sexual from rubbing against the body of another person.

That was a thing?

Now that he'd come to this threshold his world was being illuminated in ways he never knew existed.

It was strange to begin with because he never imagined that his first time would be with a boy.He surmised that anyone's first time would be nerve-wracking but in his case it was infinitely more so because they had the same thing.Working with the same tools, he wasn't sure of the exact mechanics.

He pulled up another search.

Does it hurt to have sex with a boy?

21 Things to Know Before Losing your Gay Virginity.*

1: First thing's first: Make sure you can easily and safely access medical treatment. That may mean waiting until you're 18.

Kiyoi's eyes bulged. "Medical Treatment?" Was it going to be that bad? He didn't want to hurt Hira.

2.Men who have sex with men are not automatically gay: If "gay" doesn't sound right for you, don't worry -- not every man who has sex with men is gay. Some MSM (men who have sex with men) are bisexual. Some are questioning and unsure what to call themselves. Don't worry about the words and labels -- you'll find a word that fits you in time when you're ready. Until then, you're allowed to experiment and experience sex. You always will be.

Kiyoi thought about it. He wasn't sure if he was 'gay' or not. He didn't think about any other man this way.He was only attracted to Hira. Lately that attraction had been getting stronger. Everytime they met ,the minute their lips touched it became almost impossible to stop.

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