The One In The Lens- Part 8

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[..I need some time...away from you...I'm sorry.]

Kiyoi looked at the message again and frowned.

Who did he think he was to send a message like this?

Ever since he'd gotten that message, Kiyoi had experienced a plethora of emotions.

He was confused. Where had this come from all in a sudden? Weren't they fine? Hadn't they been getting along well? They'd even made love two days ago. Why this? Why now?

He was angry. Who did Hira think he was to send this kind of message? Who was he to declare that he needed some time away from him?

But it was for precisely this reason that he was also scared, hurt and worried.

Hira was a weird guy. He didn't always know what he was thinking. He was often riddled with feelings of unworthiness when it came to him.

He was painfully aware.

Kiyoi is my King.

Kiyoi is a god.

That kind of ridiculous thinking.

He never understood why Hira placed him on a pedestal that was so far out of his reach that it created an unnecessary divide between them.

"What's he thinking?" Kiyoi mumbled under his breath as he bit his lip.

And what did...".I need some time...away from you.." mean? They'd been living together at Hira's house. What did that mean? Was he supposed to leave? Hira hadn't said that.

By virtue of him not coming home did that mean he would be the one who wouldn't be coming back?

The thought of not seeing Hira filled Kiyoi with dread.

That time after graduation when they'd been separated had been difficult and that had been before.....

Before he'd gotten used to waking up in Hira's arms or with him so close to him he could just reach out and touch him.

That was before he'd gotten used to having Hira make him all his favourite meals.

It was before they'd made love.


Hira couldn't do this.

Not this time.

He would not let him.

Whatever stupid ideas he had in his head this time, he was going to make sure he got rid of them once and for all.

Even if the words were not exchanged between them often, Kiyoi was sure. He loved Hira with all of his heart. He fell deeper in love with each passing day. He could not imagine his life without that young man with the sweeping bangs nor did he want to.

He sighed and looked at his phone before dialling Hira's number again.

The phone was still off..

Was he really going to do this to him again?

Tears pricked the edge of Kiyoi's eyes and there was an indescribable ache growing in his chest...

"Kiyoi.." Hira mumbled again.

His head rolled to the other side of him as he laid in the bed.

Yuki kept looking at him. He was getting tired of this.

Hira hardly spoke otherwise but when he did, that name, it was always that name on his lips. He found it irksome.

Just what was so special about that guy besides his face?

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