The Distance Between - Part 2

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It was straight to work.

Kiyoi's flight from Japan had gotten in at 3 am.

He had a meeting with the producers at 8 am which meant he was running on less than 5 hours sleep or he should have been,if he had managed to sleep at all.

Your body doesn't auto adjust to being in a new place and because physiologically he wasn't used to being asleep then, it had been virtually impossible to sleep when he arrived in the US.

His body was tired from the long flights but his physical hard wiring was still hard to override which made it an uphill battle.

Compounding the issue were his feelings about the way he'd left things with Hira.

Why hadn't he said how he truly felt? He and Hira had been together for 2 years but in some ways, certain parts of their relationship still seemed to be in the stage of infancy.

He knew Hira was predisposed to all kinds of fantastical thinking concerning him, even when there relationship was perfectly fine.

It was not far-fetched for him to have some thoughts like :
Kiyoi is the king

I'm not worthy to be with Kiyoi...

Kiyoi can be with whoever he wants to....

Hira's habit of self depreciation was very annoying.

He was well aware that he could be with anyone he wanted but in all that time, even when they weren't together Hira had been the only one.

The only one to make him long for their gaze.

The only one whose praise and adoration made him blush

The only one he wanted to hear say "Kiyoi, I like you"

These were not things Hira knew however.Kiyoi felt that if he knew, if he said these words aloud he would lose the last bit of equilibrium he had.

It was all a clever ruse.

Hira had no idea how much he'd destroyed his perfect balance.

He should have called Hira when he landed but he hadn't.

All throughout his flight, he'd thought of that young man with his dark bangs hanging loose on his forehead.

Now it was almost 8 am. For Hira it was almost midnight. Hira usually slept early. Calling was pointless.

Trying his best to put it out of his mind, Kiyoi arrived with a small team. An official representative from his company along with someone assigned to be a kind of assistant to help him during his time in the US.

When he arrived, a number of people were gathered. He only knew the faces vaguely from the project overview he'd received from the producers.

In this project which featured quite a young cast like himself, he would be playing an exchange student from Japan.

Introductions were made and polite greetings exchanged, after which Kiyoi took a seat at the table.

It wasn't long before he was approached by a smiling young lady.

"You said your name was Kiyoi right?"

"Mn." Kiyoi nodded.

After just that one question, silence fell. The young lady wasn't speaking but she was certainly looking.

Kiyoi gave her a questioning look to which she grinned sheepishly.

"Oh I'm sorry." she apologized. "I really didn't mean to stare but it's kind of hard. You're very very handsome."

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