Guardian of the Heart

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OpalAlmighty Star!Kiyoi and his Bodyguard!Hira with sexual tension, love, gentle care and sexy times...

"Have you seen this?!" Kiyoi's Manager could hardly contain his excitement as he looked at the screen with glee. "This video already has 10 million views and it was only released 10 hours ago! That's a million views per hour!"

Feeling like his Manager's focus was ill-placed, Kiyoi sighed deeply.

"THAT's what you're focused on?" Kiyoi asked as he sat on the window seat overlooking the city below.

From this high everything seemed so small. The city sprawled out beneath him a sprawling tapestry of movement. From this vantage point high above the streets, Kyoi watched as the traffic below ebbed and flowed like little creatures scurrying about . The people were even smaller.

This was the view Kiyoi Sou always had. Separated from the world, incomparable to mere mortals.

An overwhelmingly large billboard  of his face was staring back at him.

His smile was gleaming as he held up the product in his hand. Actor and Idol Kiyoi Sou was an ambassador for everything from teas to electronics. You could hardly make two steps outside without seeing his name somewhere and on something.

He usually didn't mind it. He loved seeing his name displayed on things. That's exactly why he'd decided to be a star in the first place.

Kiyoi looked at the envelope and frowned.

"Are you really worried about that?" his manager finally looked at him.

"Aren't you?" Kiyoi countered.

His manager sighed. "Kiyoi, you're a big star, this kind of thing is bound to happen. There will always be a bunch of crazies out there."

Kiyoi understood this more than anyone. He knew that even though he had quite alot of fans, he also had alot of detractors, people who hated him for various reasons. He didn't mind if everyone wasn't his fan but he still didn't understand why people had to do things like this.

Did they hate him that much?

He looked at the messages scrawled across the screen .

One after the other he read the comments under his latest Instagram post.

"Just stop looking at it." His manager encouraged. "They are just empty threats."

Kiyoi wished he could be so casual about it but how could he when these people were sending these hateful messages that threatened his very life.

You're going to die.

Kiyoi Sou should die

You think you're so great.


The comments went on and on.

Though there were also alot of positive comments on his posts, the negative ones seemed to be jumping out at him the most.

With a hiss and shrug, Kiyoi slammed his phone down and stood to his feet.

This action seemed to startle his manager but only momentarily. 

"We need to go." he told his charge. "We need to be on set in an hour."

"Mn." Kiyoi only grunted a reply.

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