The End We Chose - Part 9

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Kiyoi's eyes widened to the point of exploding.


He blinked once.

He blinked twice.

Was he dreaming?

"K-Kiyoi?" the person standing there replied..

No. He wasn't dreaming.

It wasn't a dream. That apparition had spoken in that same gentle voice as his boyfriend, it was him.

"Hira!" He remained stunned. "What are you doing here?!" While Kiyoi was confused, his heart was overjoyed to the point of bursting. He suddenly felt so happy he could cry.

Hira was right there, standing before him. Heaven must have seen his suffering because he was right there.

Without thinking, he grabbed Hira in an embrace, stunning everyone who saw, including Hira himself. 

This was Kiyoi's first time doing something like this and worse off, there were people around.

The others standing could only look on in surprise.

Aries was the first to recover from the shock of the moment.

"You two...already know each other?" 

Realization dawned on Kiyoi. He'd been so shocked at the sight of Hira that he'd forgotten both place and all other people.

He quickly pulled away and a slight blush crept up his cheeks as his eyes dipped.

Neither Kiyoi nor Hira offered an immediate response but it was clear from what had just happened that these two were not strangers.

Surprisingly, it was Gia who stepped in to offer clarity.

"Ohhhhhh..." her eyes widened as she realized something. "It's him! The one from the photo." She pointed at Hira.

Confusion was etched on everyone else's face, only Kiyoi knew what she meant.

"I saw his picture on Kiyoi's phone." Gia continued to explain without being asked. "I thought he was a model, not a photographer."

At Gia's explanation, Kiyoi's ears reddened slightly, while a smile tugged on Keita's lips.

"He could be a model couldn't he." he glanced at Hira.

The others turned to look at Hira as though meaning to assess the truth of Keita's words.

It was easy on the eyes and this outfit he was wearing made him look particularly attractive in the most effortless way.

Now that the others were looking, Kiyoi also gave his boyfriend the once over. He'd never seen those clothes before.

Were they new?

He was sure of it. He knew all of Hira's clothes...That jacket. He certainly didn't own it before but it looked so good on him.

All at once Kiyoi's attraction was sparked and he wanted nothing more than to grab Hira's hand, find the nearest corner and devour him.

While the others assessed him, Hira paid these things no mind, his eyes were only on Kiyoi.

"How can the world be this small?" Aries chuckled. "To think that you already know each other from Japan and here you are, ending up in this situation where you get to meet again."

Kiyoi bit his bottom lip knowing that they had no idea how truly small the world was for his boyfriend to end up coming here like this on business totally unrelated to him.

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