Chapter 21 : The Sweet Life

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Offgunloveu :I want some domestic fluff please i am dying to see them as husbands, stealing kissing here and there!!! 


Those long arms embraced him and he instantly felt blanketed with love, warmth and safety.

Since he was laying on his side, he couldn't see his face but he felt the warmth of the body pressed softly against his and inhaled that familiar scent.

Hira kissed the base of his neck before snuggling closer to him.

A smile bloomed on Kiyoi's lips.He couldn't help it. He was that happy.

"Good Morning." he heard his husband's gentle voice behind his ear.

Smiling still he turned in the bed to face Hira. Their faces were inches apart, their noses practically touching.

"Mm. Good Morning." 

Hira shifted slightly and kissed him on the forehead, pressing his lips very firmly and deliberately on that spot.

Kiyoi knew he was blushing. He always blushed.It didn't matter that Hira literally did this everyday, his reaction was always the same.

He hoped he would always wake up like this. To this kiss. To this person. It was the way he wanted to spend the rest of his days.

He knew his blush was obvious but he still tried to save face, even though they'd been married for almost half a year.He feigned a pout. "You always do that."

Hira swept his hair from his face. "Did you forget what I said?"

Kiyoi looked at him "Hmm? What did you say?"

He reached for Kiyoi's hand and laced their fingers together before bringing their  joined hands to his lips to kiss it.

Hira looked into Kiyoi's eyes. "I will hold your hand forever." He kissed their hands again "I will spend everyday of my life letting you know how much I love you."

Kiyoi raised a brow. "You said that? When did you say it?"

It was Hira's turn to raise a brow, looking at him in surprise. "Have you really forgotten the words I said to you on our wedding day?" he pouted a little "We haven't even been married that long and Kiyoi has forgotten."

"Do you expect me to remember everything?" Kiyoi asked.

Hira sighed a little. "No.I guess not. " Hira conceded. "I know Kiyoi has alot of things on his mind."

"Mn. You're right." Kiyoi agreed. "Some things are bound to be forgotten." Hira's head drooped at Kiyoi' words.

Seeing his husband respond like this, Kiyoi couldn't keep up his act.

Using his index finger, he tilted Hira's face upward and looked into his eyes.

"How can you still be this dumb?" Hira looked at him. "I haven't forgotten. I've never forgotten any of the  words you've said to me. Especially the ones you said to me on our wedding day." His eyes were very sincere. "I remember everything." That was the truth. 

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