A Friendly Race...

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"Let's play a game."Kiyoi looked at Hira.

The two were sitting at that old bridge they'd visited countless times during the course of their friendship

"What kind of game?" Hira asked

"Have you really never been curious?" Kiyoi asked.

"About what?"

Kiyoi bit his bottom lip. He'd thought about this so many times since he'd met Hira.The relationship between them was more than 10 years old. High school was long gone, they were both successful in their respective career paths but most of all, surprisingly, their friendship was still going.

Initially they were an odd match. Kiyoi Sou was the most popular person in school, Hira Kazunari was practically non existent, yet somehow they'd managed to find their way into each other's lives and they'd never left.

"Haven't you ever thought about what happened on graduation day? Kiyoi asked.

Hira leaned back on his arms, his long legs dangling over the side of the structure. "What do you mean?" 

Looking at him in disbelief, Kiyoi clicked his tongue and shook his head. Had he really forgotten? "You're really something else you know that?"

There was a bewildered expression on Hira's brow.

Seeing that expression on his face, Kiyoi found himself becoming annoyed to the point of anger. "Whatever." he stood to his feet. "Nevermind."

Before he could take two steps away Hira grabbed his hand.


He pulled himself up to stand.

When they were standing face to face, Hira looked at him. "What's wrong?"

Being asked that made Kiyoi even more grieved. It was becoming increasingly difficult these days, to be with him like this.

"Nothing." he attempted to free himself again. "I'm tired. Let go."

Hira refused to release him, holding his hand fast. "Why are you leaving?" he challenged. "And what was this game you wanted to play?"

Kiyoi huffed. "Nevermind. It wouldn't make a difference anyway."

Seeing Kiyoi sulk like this, Hira could not help the smile that budded on his lips. 

"What's funny?" he frowned.

"You're just cute when you frown." Hira chuckled.

"Cute my ass." Kiyoi pulled himself free and began walking to his car.

Hira smirked. "That too." he teased.

Quickly closing the few steps between them, Hira threw his arms around Kiyoi's neck from behind.

"Why are you suddenly mad?" he questioned.

Ignoring him, Kiyoi continued to walk back to their cars.

"Tell me." Hira proceeded to poke Kiyoi's cheek with a finger while still clinging to him.

Kiyoi ignored him all the way to their cars which were parked side by side.

When he spun in Hira's arms, their faces were inches apart. Kiyoi's heart immediately began to thump wildly in his chest.

Gazing into Hira's eyes, he swallowed hard even as his eyes flitted to those lips. Those lips he'd kissed once,ten years ago. While it seemed like Hira had forgotten, he hadn't.

Their relationship had managed to move past that kiss but the desire it had birthed in him had lingered to this day.

"Hira.." his name was barely a whisper on Kiyoi's lips.

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