Between Eternal - Part 2

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I'd rest in peace if I died...

                                                   But fate pulled me back to reality so that I can continue my duty in the  service  of "the king."

Hira's eyes fluttered open and before his eyes even came into focus, he heard movement to the left of his bedside.

"Kazunari!" two people immediately rushed to his side.

"Naho." he weakly called his cousin's name.

It was then that he looked around, taking in more of his surroundings.

He was in a room but it wasn't his room.

He was in a bed but it wasn't his bed.

He was wearing clothes but they weren't his clothes.

Naho was there with her son.

"How did I get here?" he inquired.

"You bumped your head when you fell." Naho replied.


That one word reverberated in his head and so, in an instant, he remembered everything...

The things he'd meant to say to Kiyoi..

He'd been on his way to their place when he'd gotten that message..


Panic set in

"Where's Kiyoi?" he asked as he tried to pull himself up.

Naho smiled at him,gently easing him to lay down again. "Don't worry. He's fine." she told him. "Just stay here and rest."

They sat at his bedside. "Kiyoi has been here keeping you company." she explained.

Hearing these words, Hira was slightly taken aback.

Naho's face got a little more solemn. "That person....the attacker is alive." Hira continued to listen. "He stabbed himself by accident during the fight.The whole thing was kind of ridiculous."

Hira could not help feeling grieved about the whole thing. He was still quite angry that such a person had dared to touch his beautiful man with his filthy hands.

"Tell me about it" he griped, not bothering to hide the annoyance on his face.

"Kazunari," she smiled gently "You and Kiyoi don't have to move."

Hira was surprised. This had also been one of the things that had caused the strain in his and Kiyoi's relationship.


She looked at her son "We'll find another place to live.You should stay with Kiyoi."


"After you were hurt, Kiyoi kept crying and he said he wanted to stay with you."

"Kiyoi kept saying that " her son finally spoke, "I asked if you were his friend and he said you weren't but someone who meant so much more than a friend to him"

Hearing these words and from a child no less, Hira was stupefied.

Had Kiyoi really cried?

It hadn't been a dream?

He hadn't imagined him saying that he wanted him to stay by his side?

It was then that Hira turned his head slightly.

There, sitting on the table was Captain Duck. Underneath his chin was a little sign, written in Kiyoi's handwriting.

"Come back home soon."

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