Without A Trace (Conclusion) - The Truth

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Ok..Time to make you all happy again..Let's go


The sensation of light bearing down on his closed lids finally forced Kiyoi's eyes open.

He sat up and stretched, looking around. It was daylight.By looking at his watch he saw the time, 7 a.m.

When he arrived at Hira's parents' he'd just reclined his seat for a bit to rest.He hadn't intended to fall asleep but he was more tired than he'd imagined so sleep had come swiftly..

Kiyoi looked at the house. Hira was on the other side of that gate.He would finally get to see him.

He looked at his reflection in the rear view. There were dark circles around his eyes.His brown hair was a mess.

Raking his fingers through his hair, he got out of the car.

Incoming call: Manager.

Kiyoi frowned.Ignoring the call.He didn't care where he had to be, who he had to see or what he had to do, nothing was as important as what he was doing now.

He felt uneasy with every step forward. Though he and Hira had been dating for almost a year, neither of them had discussed his parents.He could actually count on one hand the amount of times they'd been mentioned. 

Kiyoi knocked on the door and waited.

A dark-haired woman whom he assumed was Hira's mother answered the door.

"May I help you?"

"Uhm.." his words suddenly dried up. He cleared his throat. "I came to see Hira. Is he here?"

The woman looked surprised.

"Is Hira a friend of yours?" she asked Kiyoi.

Kiyoi wondered how he should respond. Should he just introduce himself as Hira's boyfriend? Would it be rude? Would it be too much of a shock?

"I am." Kiyoi confirmed, playing it safe.The woman looked at him, suspicion in her eyes. 

"And what's your name?"

"Ki--" Kiyoi paused "Koyama.' he replied.

"KiKoyama?" she repeated, looking at him strangely.

"Koyama." Kiyoi corrected.

Though she still had a doubtful look on her face,she nodded. "Wait right here."

Kiyoi bit his bottom lip. What was he doing? 

Why was he lying? 

This whole thing had him acting all kinds of strange ways.

But he was desperate.Hira wasn't taking his calls so maybe he wouldn't come out if he heard his name. That's why he'd used that guy's name.The thought of it made him sick. His hand curled into a fist.

The next time the door opened, it wasn't the dark haired woman that returned but a tall handsome young man with bangs resting on his brow.Kiyoi's eyes met the pair of eyes he'd been longing to see for what felt like eternity.

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