Chapter 30 : The One In The Lens

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HeatherHolland356 :Hira has a stalker.Also have Hira get kidnapped by his stalker and everyone has to save Hira before he gets really hurt 

JTBauer :Know you did one where Kioyi was sick  and another where he's kidnapped but can you do the opposite? I would love to see how Kioyi reacts to Hira's disappearance when Hira always does everything for him. 

(This is the kidnapping request)


A  massive Banner was spread out across the entrance of the quad.

It was bustling with activity as various booths tried to grab the attention of the students passing by in hopes that they would join their club.

The activities ranged from sports to arts, if there was an interest, there was probably a club that could be found trying to recruit fresh blood.

The photography club was no exception.

Their booth was almost at the back.

This year's booth was in the shape of a massive camera .

"Capturing Life" was set across the top in bold, eye catching colours.

Inside the booth itself were pictures that the past and current members of the club had taken.

Considering that he was one of the best photographers int he current cohort of members, multiple pictures from Hira were on display.

They were stunning images indeed.

The traffic to their booth was moderate and they'd actually had quite a few people express interest.

They even had a contest going, the members of the club would take their pictures and whoever took the best picture would get a photoshoot free of charge.

Hira stood to the side, watching the traffic come and go. He was  not the type that liked crowds. If it had not been for Koyama, he would not have showed up at all. He'd hardly said two words in the whole time he'd been there.

Even when others stopped to admire and compliment his work, all he ever managed was "Mn. Thank you."

Perhaps that was why Koyama had now come to stand beside him.

"I know you don't like crowds but atleast try to open up a little bit more." Koyama spoke under his breath, maintaining a smile for those that happened to be passing by. "We really need more members in the club this year. We can't leave it with less members than we found it."

Hira looked at him.

That's right. It was their final year in this club, also their final year in University. Koyama was particularly passionate about leaving the club in as he called it, "good working order." He was the President, that was his burden to bear.

"Alot of people like your work." Koyama continued.

"Mn." Hira nodded.

Koyama smiled at him. "Even after all this time, you haven't really changed have you. Any other person in your position would probably be strutting around at the front of the tent but here you are."

They both knew Hira did not have the predisposition to strut.Even if his photos had officially been featured in print, he was still the same as always. 

Hira's camera was dangling from his when suddenly he looked up. On impulse, Koyama looked up as well.

He watched as Hira slowly raised his camera, squinted one eye as he looked through the shutter.

My Beautiful Man One Shots: Interactive (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now