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March 20th Boston, MA

During each show I had a ten minute break half way through which was requested by Isa as she still wasn't satisfied that it was healthy to do these shows.

"Five more songs to go melody, you can do this." One of the backup dancers Jess smiled at me as she passed me a water bottle.

I nodded "The constant movement is absolutely ruining me, I need to do more exercise."

"Girl the fact you look like that with no exercise is a gift, I freaking wish." She replied as Elliot wandered over passing my the pills in his hand.

I shook my sweaty head "I've taken the hyperthyroidism pills today, don't worry."

He laughed and tapped my back "I know that melody, just take them trust me." And with that he was gone, Jess shrugged at me as I stared down at the white pills in my hand.

Fuck it.

I took the pills with a swig of cold water "Okay ready to be on stage in 3...2....1." Audrey spoke into my ear piece, it was kind of weird to not have Isa or any friends with me.

I went on the stage to my favourite song of the moment 'don't blame me', the problem with the two albums I had was the difference between the type of song, my first album 'hopeful" was just straight up pop songs and this album was more meaningful.

Basically they didn't really gel together so one half of the show was crazy dancing, my body was being flung around twerking and swaying my hips and the second half was sweet and composed.

Essentially I need another album to balance the two.

"Thank you so so much Boston! Tonight was beautiful thank you all for coming I hope you've had a nice night, get home safe all." I spoke as the dancers and I walked off the stage.

"Incredible melody! Better than the first night! I think you're getting in the swing of it." Audrey told me as she rubbed my arm comfortingly.

I laughed "Yeah I think whatever Elliot gave me helped-

"Don't speak of that." Audrey whispered to me and I nodded confused, what the fuck has he given me then.

Whatever it was my energy levels were absolutely soaring, it practically gave me a whole new personality. I felt bubbly and sociable.

Once the show was over I was immediately taken to the airport once again for the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix the next day, I was planning on surprising Max.

March 21st Saudi Arabia

"Melody in the nicest possible way, you look like you haven't slept a wink." Isa cautiously said as she applied concealer to my under eyes.

"What a way to boost the confidence," I joked putting on emergency blush "I didn't sleep at all, I was practically bouncing off the walls all night."

"Even after the show? I could never." She laughed as we sat in catering waiting for the race to begin.

I put my head on the table in-front of me and watched the world around me momentarily reminiscing on this time last year, 2023 what a fucking year.

"Don't look Mel, it's Charles." Isa whispered as I put my head up, just the person I needed to see actually.

I got up from my seat and walked over to him, I could hear Isa sighing behind me but I ignored it heading over to him.

"Charles." I stated as he turned around to face me, I didn't realise how close I was to him until his face was inches away from mine.


Before he could say anything about my melt down on his property when I drove away sobbing I opened my bag and passed him four tickets.

He looked down at them "Melody, you didn't have to do this line genuinely-

"I wanted to, it's a treat from me to your mum and your brothers," I paused "If they don't hate me that is."

He sighed "My family would never hate you melody."

"I got four I wasn't sure if you'd want to go or not- I can get another one if you need one for your girlfriend-

He cut me off "I called it off with her melody, as soon as you left we were done. We were hardly dating anyway."

"I'm sorry."

He ignored my apology and held the tickets firmly "How much do I owe you for these? I've seen people selling tickets for thousands. You've got a very popular show."

I shook my head "No no this is my way of thanking your family, I don't want any money."

Charles nodded "How about I repay you with dinner then? If your boyfriend doesn't mind."

"My boyfriend?" I laughed loudly.

"The one on the dailymail?"

I chuckled even harder "Luke? No he's not my boyfriend just a friend."

"So dinner then for the heart break I experienced when I saw that post?" He asked and I sighed, he wasn't giving in.

"Okay then. When I'm in Monaco next." I told him and he nodded smiling a little, Isa was nearing closer now.

"Thank you so much melody." He smiled kissing me on the cheek quickly as he left, like it was natural.

Isa breathed "What the hell?"

"What the hell indeed, come on we need to get to the paddocks." I told her as we walked out into the crowds of people, the people that were once chaotic and now nostalgic.

She kept asking me questions as we walked "What the hell was that? What are you doing in Monaco? Melody don't fall for the trap, is he worth it? Why so many tickets?"

I answered as many as I could before I rocked up to the red bull paddock, "Melody Verstappen back to watch my team win?" Christian asked and I rolled my eyes.

Drive to survive, the Netflix series that shows the behind the scenes of the racing season would be out in a few weeks, I was waiting each day to see the crap he spoke about me.

"Melody?" Max said confused as he looked up from the car, I waved at him quickly and gave him a thumbs up as he drove to the starting position on the grid.

And so began the race.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now