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"So after the show had finished you can confirm you were with Isabel Herneaz is that correct?" The police officer asked as I sat opposite him at the table.


"And where did she tell you she was going?" The officer asked writing down what I was saying to confirm everybody's alibi.

I had been in police custody since nine pm and now it was ten in the morning, "She was looking for Elliot, he's a high member of my label."

"Do you remember why she was looking for Elliot?"

Because he's giving me some dodgy fucking pills that make me so energetic that I can't sleep so then the world feels like it's not real.

"No sorry, I'm just a bit tired and scared." I admitted wiping my tired eyes, mascara was halfway down my face and my hair felt knotty.

"That's understandable, but we need to ask everyone these questions for safety precautions. Did you notice anything unusual about today?" He kindly asked.

I nodded "Yeah I went looking for my dressing room and once I got there, uh there were loads of um post it notes stuck to the mirror."

"Right?" He asked confused.

"They were really creepy, um they said stuff like watch your back and I'm always watching," I paused remembering I had one scrunched up in my pocket "Here."

He immediately grabbed an evidence bag from the draw under the table "How many of these were there?"

I shrugged "Maybe seven or eight. It was unusual because I didn't even know where my dressing room was let alone someone random."

He nodded "So I have to ask, we have confirmed the victim to be Luke Jones did you have any sort of relationship with him?"

"I met him a few months ago, um the date of my first show on tour in Albany. He told me he was a technician and asked me to lunch so the next day we had lunch. We texted a little but I've been really busy-

"Paparazzi saw you out with this man yes?" He interrupted scribbling down every little piece of information.

"Um yes, he told me he would come to one of my shows, but I didn't know him very well." I explained to the officer.

"Melody you've helped us a lot, I know this seems like a lot but can we get your fingerprints and a strand of your hair for evidence." He asked apologetically.

"No yeah of course, I just feel really sick." I told him and he nodded understandably.

"That's okay, we will need to drug test you as well if that's okay?" He quizzed.

"Yep okay." I smiled as we proceeded with all the necessary tests and samples, eventually I was let go and into the prison waiting room where Isa stood with Carlos.

She ran up to me and held me tightly "Melody I am so sorry this happened-

The tighter she held me the more I cried, paparazzi were waiting outside of the police station.

Carlos had flown in from Monaco last night and come directly to the police station where we were all being held momentarily, "Melody how are you doing?" He asked.

"Not great. Not great at all. I just want to go home." I explained, my phone had been taken in for the time being as was Isas.

Suddenly Max and Kelly came bursting through the door, "Melody!" Max exclaimed running over to embrace me in a hug, not caring that I'd been ignoring him as of late.

An officer suddenly came behind me "Melody Verstappen you need to stay here longer actually- your drug tests have come back already and we have some more questions."

My mouth gaped as he spoke "Wait what?"

"Please miss we are just trying to sort out all of the information and we have reason to believe that the murder of Luke Jones was a stepping stone to get to you." The officer cautioned.

"What the fuck?" Kelly said her accent running thick.

Moments later I was back in the same room, it was small and the walls were all painted white. The table filled up no space as a cup of water sat untouched next to me.

"So melody, do you know anything about amphetamine?" An officer asked me, I now had two instead of one to talk too.

"That it's a Class B drug."

"Have you ever taken it?" The officer to my left asked as he admired the notes the original police man had written about the post it notes.

"No sir."

"Well, your drug test came back positive for use of amphetamine," he paused "Do you think there's a chance the killer could've drugged you?"

I shook my head "No- I don't take any-

The realisation came rushing back to me.

"Wait what are the side effects of it?" I asked cutting off my own thoughts momentarily.

"Amphetamine produced euphoria, feelings of drug effect, and increased blood pressure. It is subjective but can make people feel more alive and social, increasing energy if you will." An officer told me.

Elliot you absolute idiot

"And uh sleep what does it do to sleep?" I asked them both and they shrugged confused as to where I was going with this.

"I um have reason to believe that I have been drugged my someone on my team, he has wanted to increase my stage presence and has been offering me these two white pills before each show and-

"That does confirm Isabel Herneaz' statement." the new officer spoke to my original one as they compared notes from us both.

"What did Isa say?" I wondered aloud.

"She has suspicions about a man named Elliot Wells drugging you or medicating you against your will." He responded adding that to his notes.

"So am I going to be arrested now or something?," I paused on the verge of tears "I just want to go home."

One of the men chuckled "You aren't going to be arrested melody, Elliot on the other hand maybe if you decide to press charges, but we will let you think about that."

"We must voice that we think you need to cancel this tour for your safety and get out of the states as quick as possible. This killer knows where you are so you need to get back to your home." The other officer spoke.

"But I live predominantly in LA."

"Is there anyone you could move in with out of the US? Regardless of where you stay you will be with the top of security we have to offer as you are officially needed to be guarded 24/7."

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now