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Liked by 101,432,749 people melody_verstappen: pretty much how I spend life these days 🙈🤍

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Liked by 101,432,749 people
melody_verstappen: pretty much how I spend life these days 🙈🤍


charlesleclerc: that's where my slippers went...

username4739: Damn she's big

kellyverstappen: missing you so much x

bellahadid: beautiful girl

username66539: can't believe she was literally held at gunpoint a couple weeks ago

ninadobrev: you do you girl


"So because baby is still breech I think we will have to induce you and do a C section, how do you feel about that?" Doctor Léa asked as we sat in her office for the last checkup.

"Okay- that's all good, what dates do you have available?" I asked her as I wiped the cold gel of my belly with a tissue as today we got our last baby scan photos.

"The fifth of December?" Doctor Léa suggested, that was a whole fifteen days early.

Charles shrugged "Up to you mel, the last race is the 26th of November so I'm happy with any day after that."

"Okay well if you don't think the fifth of December is too early I think we're happy with that one." I replied smiling as I was going to meet my baby early.

"Yeah that's great then, so I will see you guys down here on the fifth of December." She beamed as she let us go and printed off the baby photos.

"That's crazy, I can't believe we are going to meet the baby so soon." Charles smiled happily as he opened the car door for me to climb into, he hardly drove the Ferrari in the pregnancy due to how low down it was.

"I feel like i' m going to miss being pregnant, it's like having a little buddy with me all the time." I replied honestly as I smoothed out my dress, I had a white maternity dress on.

Charles shrugged "Well chances are you will be pregnant again one day."


We drove back up to the house and Charles seemed strangely happy with himself as he helped me out of the car and back up to the house.

"You're strangely excitable today." I told him as I hurried inside, the fresh air of November nipping at me.

As I opened the door I was immediately shocked to see all of my friends gathered in the living room "SURPRISE!!"

I turned to Charles in confusion, he'd thrown me a baby shower with all of my friends from home, Isa, Kelly, Flora, Rosalyn, Bella and Liv were all stood dressed in white.

The living room had changed as banners were hanging from the ceiling, table cloth was placed over the coffee table which had cute little snacks, each of the girls had bags of gifts and white balloons were all on the ceiling.

"Oh my god." I began to cry, seeing all of my Dutch friends was always so exciting as I never ever had the opportunity to speak to them.

They all ran over and embraced me in a hug "oh my god melody, look at you!" "Mel you're the best mama." "So beautiful." "Glowing Mel!"

I turned to face Charles who was smiling from ear to ear, it didn't take a genius to figure this was all his idea, the girls continued hugging and fawning over me for ten minutes until I finally spoke to Charles.

"Thank you so much." I sniffled as I hugged him close to me, "don't thank me melody, you deserve to see your friends whenever you want."

I shook my head "No really thank you."

He smiled and kissed me softly on the lips "I don't think the dads are supposed to be present at baby showers, so im going to leave you guys to it okay?"

"Where are you going?" I asked as I wiped my weepy eyes, he chuckled "Mums, I'll be back later."

Before I could argue with him to stay, he was already waving goodbye and driving to Pascales, "Melody open your presents!" Liv squealed as the girls all sat down in the living room.

"You guys all got the baby presents?" I double checked wiping my eyes again, I seriously needed tissues. These pregnancy hormones were no joke.

"It was kinda hard considering we don't know the gender." Flora added as she sat smiley.

I went through each of the presents which were all really cute and sweet, stuffed animals for the baby, baby grows, a pram etc.

"How did you all get here?" I asked sitting down also, standing was getting increasingly tiring.

Rosalyn chuckled "Your baby daddy flew us out again."

"We really though you were done with him when we watched the Prize giving awards, you sang that song with some venom, the fact you were sat by him as well! I mean Jesus." Liv commented and Isa laughed along.

Isa added "I was sat at that table seriously wondering if you were going to kill him right then and there Mel."

"He seems to have redeemed himself well though, he really loves you a lot." Kelly assured as the other girls all nodded in agreement.

I nodded "He's a really good dad, and I mean it he is so wonderfully patient with me and I know he's really excited to have this baby."

"That's so cute!" Flora beamed.

"When is the baby coming that's what we're all wondering?" Liv asked as she leant forward grabbing a biscuit from the table.

"Fifth of December hopefully."

They all began squealing again as we recognised how that was no time at all, "Oh Mel tell them the news!" Isa reminded me, I hadn't even told Charles again.

"What news? Oh christ is it twins?" Kelly wondered aloud.

I shook my head "Nope you're looking at the newest Victoria Secret Model who will be walking in the show in January."

"Fuck off." Bella gasped.

"But what-

"Oh my god you really have it all don't you, nothing about my life is fair." Flora joked as she clapped at the news, little did she know about the notes and the bloody fucking hammer.

"I mean yeah and you did a duet with Shawn mendes on your new album!! Set me up with him will you." Rosalyn joked laughing.

And there it was, that empty feeling. even in this room surrounded by my closest friends, it finds a way into my heart. I start pacing out and it feels like my body has forgotten how to feel anything.

I'm an astronaut floating above the earths atmosphere, so close to everything yet so far away.

I look around at my friends, laughing and smiling and I frantically put on a face of my own, doing my best to replicate their happiness.

I can't believe it happened in this special moment, I thought I could be safe around all of this love and joy, if this doesn't even protect me what possibly could?

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now