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February 17th

"It feels weird being here." I admitted to Isa as we drove to my doctors in Monaco, it seemed like no time had passed yet it had been months.

"Good weird or bad weird?" Isa wondered as she sat in the passenger seat humming along to a song on the radio.

"Hm I don't know."

It wasn't a long drive from the airport to the doctors, roughly fifteen minutes, I went up to the front desk "Hi I'm here to see doctor Léa."

The older woman smiled "Did you book an appointment my darling?"

I shook my head, "Ah right then lovely it will be a bit of a wait but I'll let her know you're here."

I thanked her and sat in the waiting room with Isa whilst we discussed what outfits we liked the most for tour, I'd been given a huge variety and it was hard to narrow it down.

"Miss Verstappen, room 506." The intercom said, people turned to look at me wondering what the hell I was doing there.

Isa came to the room with me as I didn't want to be alone "So melody, long time no see. How have you been feeling?"

"Wonderful really." I told her smiling.

"Isa told me you haven't been taking your medication melody, and I know you're going on tour. Not taking your hypothyroid or hyperthyroid medication can cause undesirable, dangerous, and even life-threatening conditions, ranging from fatigue and changes in blood pressure to death." Doctor Léa calmly spoke grabbing a bag of medication for me.

"See melody? You really need to start taking them like every day." Isa added.

"Yeah your boyfriend is quite concerned that you haven't been taking them, I tried to call you but I understand life is probably quite hectic at the moment." Doctor Léa admitted crossing her arms.

"My- my boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Yeah Charles has been calling me weekly asking why you haven't been taking them and why you haven't been coming to the doctors." She added.

"He's uh my ex boyfriend now, sorry I didn't know he'd been calling you." I told her honestly as she nodded.

"I figured, I haven't disclosed any information don't worry. But seriously if you want to do this tour you have to take two pills a day. I know it's easy to forget about them but they are serious." She told me smiling.

Isa interrupted "Um melody has said that she hasn't really noticed a difference in her health when not taking them, is that normal?"

Doctor Léa turned to face her "That is actually a good thing it means that your hyperthyroidism is getting better, many people have it with no symptoms at all and don't realise until they're elderly. However that doesn't mean to stop taking them, it can always get worse."

"Yeah she will." Isa told her, I mean I definitely would if Isa was there because if I wasn't taking them myself she'd be there shoving them down my throat herself.

"Right, so Melody I need to test your blood again soon, can you do April 8th?" She asked ready to put the appointment in her calendar.

"It's between two shows." Isa said thinking about it.

"I'll try my best." I told doctor Léa.

She paused "Don't overwork yourself Mel, if it gets too much you just need to stop."

"Okay thank you."

Thankfully our little doctor's appointment didn't last long at all, but I had a few hours before my flight back to LA.

"What are we going to do for the next seven hours?" Isa asked as we sat back in my car, the one place I wanted to be in the most was Monaco so why now I'm here am I sad.

"We could go down to the docks, the sun will set soon and it could be quite pretty." I told her and she nodded along as we drove down the winding streets of Monaco.

I never realised how hard it actually was to drive around Monaco, people are constantly crossing the middle of the road and flashy sports cars were driving past at insane speeds.

It took no time at all to get to the docks where we climbed out of the car and sat on the end of a pier, the sky was beautiful and the boats were just the same as they were when I left.

"What are you thinking about?" Isa asked as she kicked her feet, people had noticed my car and were swarming around it.

"I miss Monaco all the time, it feels more homey and I thought maybe I would think differently and miss LA when I'm here but I don't." I told Isa whilst playing with my nails.

Isa sighed "Do you think you might miss a person more than you miss the town?"

"No, I mean he's been harassing my doctor don't you think that's a little weird?" I responded looking Isa in the face.

She shrugged "A little but it's just because he cares."

"If he cared he wouldn't have cheated on me."

She nodded in agreement "I kinda want to stop by and just tell him he needs to stop calling the doctor," she paused "He's been messaging me multiple times a day about you and it's really annoying."

"You didn't tell me that?" I quizzed kind of shocked.

"Didn't see the point."

"Let's go then." I said suddenly picking up the courage, I stood up and walked over to my car ignoring the crowds of people taking photos of me.

I beeped so Isa could get in, "Melody, you don't actually want to see him."

"No I don't, but he can't keep bothering you or my doctor." I replied as I drove up to the house, it was weird to see it so negatively. Like never before.

"Wanna come with?" I asked Isa who shook her head and crossed her arms, I sighed and got out of the car and walked up to the door.

I turned around again to see Isa sat in the car shaking her head, it was her idea but I don't think she thought I'd go through with it.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now