forty eight

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January 20th 2025

"Melody!!! Oh my god you look insane!" Kendall squealed as I entered the Victoria secret show dressing room.

I rolled my eyes at her "You don't even want to know how hard I've worked to just look like a whale compared to you."

Today was the day that I had been dreading, since Christmas I had been working out for three hours everyday for this show and now it was actually here.

"Shut up girl! You had a baby and look at you!" Romee smiled brightly as she greeted me in a hug.

I greeted all the other angels as we all sat and got our makeup and hair done by the professionals, "So your baby is a month old now right?" Winnie asked me as she turned her chair to be opposite me.

If we start talking about her I might cry.

I excused her "Leaving her in Monaco is really breaking my heart so if you say something cute please say it after the show when my makeup can get ruined, my hormones are all over the place."

"Oh I get you. So she's staying with Charles now right?" She asked as she started to apply her lipstick herself.

I nodded "Yeah I'm hoping to fly back this evening, I really can't deal with the amount of mum guilt of leaving them."

"You aren't going to the after party?" Gigi asked aloud, she also sat beside me except her whole outfit was on and she was ready to go.

"I wasn't planning on it no-

She interrupted "Baby, I'm getting you in my spare dress and you're coming with me-

"Aw Gigi I really can't-

She shook her head "Im not taking no as an answer, from mom to mom I'm sure Charles has everything covered at home. This experience isn't an everyday thing so you should stay for the after party at least."

Winnie agreed "Oh yeah, he can deal with a few more hours."

I sighed as I had to close my mouth for the makeup artist to finish off my lip liner, every time I left Aurora I instantly felt mum guilt, I knew I was a good mother to her but it still felt awful to leave her.

One of the stage directors called "Okay angels we have five minutes till show... I repeat five minutes to show so everybody get dressed now if you haven't already."

Luckily my makeup was finished and so was my hair, I headed to the changing room and threw on my lingerie and I instantly knew the amount of hate I would get for this would be astronomical.

I could see the headlines now:

"Melody Verstappen leaves her month old baby for Victoria secret?"

"Bad mom melody poses in lingerie!"

"New mother miss verstappen is already posing in underwear, she hasn't learnt anything from motherhood."

Charles wasn't too thrilled about the idea of the catwalk because he thought I was pushing myself to hard in the gym and doctor Léa hadn't given me the all clear to begin working out again, I just did it anyway.

"Everyone in line up for show! Everybody in line up please ladies!" The stage director ordered as we all lined up in order of who was walking first to last.

And guess who was walking out to open and then end the show in two different outfits? Yeah me.

My heart was rapid within my chest, "Mel I know you're nervous but when that music starts playing just be cute and flirty and all is good." Romee told me sweetly.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now