forty one

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18th November 2024

"Tonight ladies and gentleman we'd like to welcome a very special guest... an all time favourite on the show Melody Verstappen!" Jimmy exclaimed as I popped into view on the zoom.

"Hey Jimmy!" I replied joyfully as possible despite the fact the baby was kicking the shit out of my ribs.

"Melody! It's been a while how are you doing we have got a lot to catch up on this evening." Jimmy smiled warmly.

"Yeah I'm doing alright at the moment thank you, how are you doing? I saw that your daughter Winnie was singing songs from the album on your Instagram this week, she's very good." I chuckled and he smiled brightly.

"Oh yeah she's a huge fan melody, huge huge fan." Jimmy chuckled.

"She's really cute."

"So melody since I last saw you more than a year ago you've released another album, it's called 'thoughtless' it doesn't take a genius to guess what it's inspired by but I'm keen to hear it from you." Jimmy explained, I nodded along.

"Well, it's sort of all the emotions that you go through when you've been cheated on and when you're broken up with, some of the time your mad but then your also sad, I tried to convey that into music." I said smiling.

"It's a fantastic album absolutely brilliant but you're now back with the guy this album is about yes?" Jimmy wondered.

I laughed a little "I am yeah, 'adoration' was dedicated to him, then some stuff happened and I was sad and released 'thoughtless' about him and now we're back together and better than ever."

"That's wonderful news! And earlier on in August you delighted the world with something so unexpected..."

"I'm pregnant yes!" I replied laughing as the audience in the studio began to clap along.

"So you and Charles are expecting a little baby in December, do you guys know the gender?" He wondered.

"We do, but it's a secret for now. I'm sure the world will know in no time though, sorry for keeping everyone in suspense." I joked.

"And you're both happy with the gender?"

"Absolutely, over the moon." I smiled rubbing my belly instinctively.

"I seem to remember last time you were here you claimed your favourite name was Jimmy, is that a contender for the names?" He jokingly asked.

"Hm I'll add it to the maybe list." I laughed, I completely forgot about that.

"This year has been quite crazy for you if I'm right in thinking melody, so you started a tour off in March yes?" He mentioned, the reference to tour making me feel a bit sick.

"I did, we started an American tour in March."

"Right and you decided to cancel the tour after a show in Dallas, do you want to talk about what happened in Dallas?" Jimmy asked carefully unsure to how I'd react.

"Um yeah, so after one of my shows, the uh one in Dallas a friend of mine was murdered backstage, his name was Luke Jones." I mumbled along.

"And has the killer been caught since then?" Jimmy asked.

"Not entirely," I sighed "we have suspicions but nothing confirmed yet. It was such a heartbreaking experience, and I can't apologise enough to his family as honesty Luke was one of the most kind people I'd ever met."

Jimmy continued questioning "We had word that last week at one of your friends house that there was gunshots and a body bag had been pulled from the house, how much of that is true?"

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now