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"Melody you're going to the doctor today, I booked an appointment last night, Léa says you haven't responded to her texts." Isa poked me awake from my slumber.

I threw the pillow over my head in the hopes it would block her out "Because I don't want to be poked and prodded anymore Isa, I just want nothing."

"You're constantly being sick, constantly feeling nauseous all this stress can't be good for you can it? What if this is as a result of the drugging? I just want her to like double check you." Isa emphasised as she examined my state.

I was feeling physically worse by the day.

I eventually agreed with Isa to go to the doctors as she was heading to Spain for the Grand Prix four days earlier than expected because Carlos' brother had just had a baby and they all wanted to meet her.

And Isa hated the fact I was staying at home alone so had upped the security immensely, as they would be in Spain for a whole week without me.

"Promise me you'll actually go to the doctors?" She asked sticking out her pinky finger for us to interlock.

"I will get doctor Léa to tell you I have been there, okay?" I compromised.

"And you will text me regularly, call me regularly and-

"Isa relax." Carlos told her, I understood her reasoning behind being frightened of leaving me alone I mean someone wanted me dead.

They both wrapped me in a huge hug and eventually left for the airport, leaving me with the six security men who will now by force have to become my friends.

My doctors appointment was at three and it was half two now so I went out to tell security I needed to leave "Hi um I'm heading to the doctors- I have an appointment."

"Confirmed." One of the men spoke, it was as if they weren't even human more like robots.

I got into my car and drove my way down, Isa and Carlos' house in Monaco was further away from the doctors than my old one by twenty minutes or so.

As I drove on by in my car I noticed a familiar Ferrari 488 Pista Spider next to me, well I suppose he noticed me first as the beeping scared the absolute living daylight out of me as I pulled in to the doctors, him following behind still.

"Melody? I didn't realise you were in Monaco." He spoke calmly as he rolled down the window of his vehicle.

I nodded along getting out of the car, "Yeah, Carlos and Isa have been letting me stay with them. They aren't allowing me back in the US until it is deemed safe enough."

"Fucking hell-

He stood up out from his car and held me close to him comfortingly, I could've melted into his arms right then and there "I'm really sorry melody."

I shrugged it off "Thanks... sorry I sort of have an appointment-

I pointed to the doctors as we stood awkwardly in the car park "You're going in on your own? How come?"

"Isa and Carlos headed out to Spain early, Carlos' brother had a baby... so I'm here today because I promised Isa I would get checked over after the whole drug thing." I rambled as I walked closer to the entrance of the building, Charles not leaving either.

"Drug thing what?" He whispered confusedly as he recognised we were in public.

"Don't- I'm sorry I'm late for my appointment." I explained before rushing inside, but he was coming with me apparently.

I walked straight over to the front desk "Hi I'm here for my appointment at three, sorry I'm a bit late."

"No that's fine, Doctor Léa will come and get you in a short moment, have a seat." The woman smiled behind the counter as she pulled out a medical sheet for me to sign.

I went down to the waiting area which was empty, "Mel if you want me to go I will go but I want to show some support." Charles muttered as he sat besides me.

I looked up at his face "Okay then."

He didn't even hide the fact he was watching me answer all these stupid questions on this medical questionnaire about allergies and reference hospitals.

"Appointment for Melody." Doctor Léa announced as she walked back to her room and Charles and I trailed behind.

As we entered the room I sat down on the bed as per usual and Charles stood awkwardly against the cabinet "Charles nice to see you in person." Doctor Léa commented earning a slight chuckle from me.

"So melody what brings you here today, I see Isa booked you this appointment but I want to hear it from you." She asked tapping away at her desk.

"Well, since tour started I've been really ill, like sickness practically everyday multiple times a day, I've been dizzy and nauseous and sleeping has been really hard for me, but it always kind of has." I explained and she nodded ticking symptoms off on this sheet.

Charles looked me over concerned "Um and I assume you've heard about the murder in Dallas-

Doctor Léa nodded "I have, and I must say I am so so heartbroken for you and all of your team, that must be so hard for you to deal with."

"Yeah- um about my team when I was in police custody because they had to question everyone they drug tested me like routinely and we basically found out a guy in my team had been drugging me with Amphetamine every day to make my performance better." I air quoted with my hands.

Charles couldn't even hide his shock, still however saying nothing, "So how many pills was he giving you everyday? Was he doing it at the same time everyday?" She asked.

"Two at a time, the time he gave me three was in Chicago and I had an absolute melt down on the stage- um I wasn't accepting them everyday because I knew they were fucking with me but he kind of told me I was shit if I wasn't taking them so usually it was at the same time most days, before show." I rambled on, such a story teller.

I didn't know how to feel about Charles just willingly stood in the doctors room with me like we would many months ago.

"Right okay so I'm going to ask you to do a blood test and then test your urine." She concluded as she left the room to get supplies for each procedure.

"I didn't know anything about the drugging, is this guy in a cell now?" Charles scanned his eyes over me innocently, taking me in as though he'd never see me again.

"I don't know if I should press charges or not yet, I have an album that's supposed to come out in June I can't just put my team in jail." I shrugged taking off my hoodie so I could do the blood test.

He shook his head "If you don't have this guy arrested I fucking will, that's a whole new level of fucked.

I chucked lightly "I would say my life was a whole new level of fucked quite frankly."

We stopped conversing when Léa entered the room again with the needle and the juice box, every time I did a blood test I was always promised orange juice afterwards.

"Do you want me to hold your hand melody? I know you had me do it last time." She laughed as she prepared the needle, ready to insert it.

"I mean-

"I'll hold your hand Mel." Charles offered and before I could even say anything in response he held his hand out for me to grab, which I did.

It felt so natural.

Once the needle was actually in it was easy out from there, I'd seen enough blood in my life time.

"Melody, how have you been dealing with the sickness recently since Dallas?" Doctor Léa asked as she held my arm in a certain position.

"Well I'm not going to lie to you because I assume Isa has already told you that I've barely left my bedroom, this is the first time in three weeks I've left the house. I just kind of put it up to like anxiety so I ignore it until it goes away."

"Mhm okay." She replied as my bloods were finally done and the needle was removed, out of sight of mind.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now