forty five

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December 10th 2024

December had always been one of my favourite months of the year, now however it had a whole new meaning to it.

Melody_Verstappen & Charlesleclerc:

Melody_Verstappen & Charlesleclerc:

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Liked by 110,563,782 people melody_verstappen & charlesleclerc: 05/12/24 🤍

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Liked by 110,563,782 people
melody_verstappen & charlesleclerc: 05/12/24 🤍


isaherneaz: so so precious

zendaya: oh my goodness 🥺

maxverstappen: never been so proud of you mel

username4793: is it a boy or a girl????

florakate: ❤️

carlossainz: far too cute to be related to Charles

username7493: shut up.

Arthurleclerc: never thought the day would come.

florencepugh: congratulations! so tiny 🥺

Ferrari: the newest member of the ferrari family 🥰

username5749: we want the name! 🥲

lizzo: my heart can't take this

We spent the next few minutes cooing down at our little girl, giggling as we watched her blue eyes move back and forth to focus on whoever was speaking. My heart was so full, but I knew things wouldn't feel perfect until everyone had met her.

Everybody was waiting outside, my family being Kelly, Max and Pen and his family being Pascale, Arthur and Lorenzo, we'd made them all wait a few days so we could have our little bubble.

Charles rubbed his hands together as he walked to the doorstep practically overflowing with excitement and pride, "You guys can come on in."

Pascale promptly burst into tears, walking into the house, Penelope looked excited also but we weren't sure if it was because she finally had a cousin, or because she understood what was going on. Charles crouched down to her level "Would you like to meet your cousin P?"

Penelope's eyes went wide and she let out a squeal nodding quickly "Yes uncle Charlie!"

"Okay come on," he said ushering everyone inside behind Pascale to the living room where me and the baby were sat.

"Okay here's the deal P," Max held out his arms to pick her up, "Auntie mel is very tired and the baby is so tiny and sleepy still, so we have to use our inside voices and keep ourselves calm, okay? I know you're excited, but we can't scare the baby. Think you can do that?" Max asked the small girl as she nodded seriously.

The last five days have been nice to have peace with our daughter. She was staring up at me with big eyes, and I could see all the pieces of Charles in her. Holding her in my arms just felt right; I'd held other babies before, of course, but it felt different to hold my own.

The tip of my finger ran down her perfect nose, "I love you so much, sweet girl. You own my entire heart. Your dad, too, I guess, but he already knows that."

I could hear Charles' voice nearing closer with all of the other members of the family, followed by Penelope's excited voice too, As I pressed another kiss to her head.

The door to the living room pushed open slightly, Penelope's eyes lit up as she caught sight of her baby cousin, gasping loudly "Auntie mel!" She clapped her hand over her mouth, "Sorry!"

Kelly laughed a little at her daughter, "That's okay Pen, do you want to sit next to me?" I asked her.

She nodded eagerly, I could tell she was trying her best to remain calm, but her whole body was practically shaking with excitement "Do you want to meet your cousin pen?" I asked her .

"Yes!" She gave me the irresistible puppy dog eyes, melting my heart instantly.

"Alright, here she is," i murmured, tilting my arms down and carefully pulling the blankets from her face "This is your cousin Penelope."

Penelope grinned, a smile that often matched Kelly's - she reached out a hand to touch her before pausing. I could tell she'd realised she wasn't sure if she was allowed, so you nodded and let her know that it was alright, "Just be super gentle okay?"

She nodded and placed her fingertips to her cheeks, giggling to her self softly "She's got soft cheeks!"

"She does, doesn't she?" I smiled watching them carefully. "Do you think you want to hold her pen?" She started nodding before I even finished the question, "Okay but uncle Charlie has to help you alright?"

I heard a few quiet snaps and looked to see Pascale smiling sheepishly in the doorway, camera in hand. She tried to mumble an apology and duck out of the living room but I quickly shook my head, waving her in "No, no come in! Come in and meet your granddaughter."

"It's a girl?" Pascale asked tears in her eyes, Arthur hugged her close to him as she was emotional to see her son as a father.

Lorenzo whispered as he watched Penelope stroke her cheek, he placed down the burg bay cake they had bought for the baby, "Does she have a name?"

Charles looked down to me wondering if I wanted to do the honours, but I allowed him to instead "Everyone meet Aurora Julie Leclerc."

Over the next hour or two, our families and closest friends filtered in and out of the house to meet the newest addition of the family. As much as it absolutely filled my heart to the brim, I was exhausted, and even the baby was starting to get fussy, even though her diaper had just been changed which likely meant she was hungry, thankfully Charles noticed and ushered everyone out.

"I love you melody."

"I love you more, Charles," I whispered pecking him on the lips lightly. "I'll let you hold her in a minute, I think she might be hungry, I'm gonna try and feed her again."

"Take your time," he nodded wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders. The first time I tried to feed her didn't go super well; it was a lot harder than I'd anticipated. This time I'd tried with skin to skin contact as well, and after five days it finally seemed to be working after Aurora was comfortable. My eyes lit up as I realised she was finally eating, "Charles she's doing it."

He beamed at me again, his heart beat quickening, "I'm so proud of you, you know? You're the strongest, most amazing person I know, and you're already the best mum. I just... I adore you so much Mel."

"Shhh," I laughed, cheeks filling with heat as he praised me "You're amazing, I love you too with my entire heart."

When it seemed like she was finally finished, Charles scooped her back into his arms. I let out the loudest yawn, eyes blinking slowly. Charles chuckled, sitting beside me "You should get some rest, my love."

"Uh uh," I shook my head, trying my best to fight sleep, "What if she needs me?"

"She's always gonna need you, love," Charles murmured, brushing my hair out of my face and pressing a kiss on to my forehead, "But if you get some sleep, at least you'll be rested when she does. And I'm here, I'll let you know if she's hungry again. Just close your eyes baby."

"Alright." I huffed, my eyes fluttering shut, only for a moment I thought, before falling fast asleep.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now