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Early the next morning, I woke up to the first few soft rays of sunlight streaming in through the curtains. Glancing beside me, Charles was still fast asleep but I couldn't really blame him, not after last night.

He was gently backlit by the sun, his hair had gotten curlier since the last time I'd seen him up close, the mess of his hair somehow managed to frame his face perfectly.

can't relate, my hair looked like a birds nest.

As much as I knew it was wrong I couldn't help it, I went back to sleep shortly after as there was no way Charles was waking up anytime soon and I hadn't slept this well in weeks.

Naturally I curled up closer to him, his arm was stiffened around me within seconds, it was instinct. This was just us.

Everything about this current situation was such a stark contrast from practically my entire life since October, I've missed it more than anything else.

By the time I woke up again, the bed beside me was empty, the sheets cold. My heart began to race as I worried that maybe he had panicked and left.

I sat up from the bed and threw on one of Charles' shirts that are always lying somewhere on the floor and I went to the bathroom to check myself over, see what we are working with.

The door was open, so I headed in "Oh my god I'm sorry!" I squealed when I realised Charles was in the shower, needs to start shutting the door after him.

He laughed a proper genuine laugh "Mel we all know it's nothing you haven't seen before." He said turning off the water and wrapping the towel around his lower body.

"Mhm?" I replied wandering back into the bathroom, he was now at the sink, toothbrush in his mouth, and I leaned against the doorframe to watch him through the mirror.

As soon as he was done he turned to face me a soft look of concern taking over his face "So how are you?"

I lifted my shoulders into a shrug "I'm okay. Got to leave soon though, I have a show in Columbus tomorrow."

A slight look of amusement crossed his face as he moved closer to me, his arms sliding around my torso, his voice firm but gentle "Okay and now tell me how you're actually feeling."

Letting out a sigh I averted my gaze from his face Charles' as I shrugged my shoulder again "Like I don't know what I'm doing, at all."

He nodded listening to my every word "I know what you mean Mel, but everything is okay. You are going to do your show tomorrow and it will be amazing."

That's not what I was worried about "No I mean I don't know what this is," I pointed between our bodies "I mean, I think my family and friends will kill me and we can't make this work you have-

He silenced me as he pulled me closer, the space between us was non existent "Melody you are going to do your shows and I'm going to drive we can make it work if you trust me?"

I swallowed "Charles, I don't know if last night was a mistake, I didn't think that would happen that wasn't in the plan. I don't know if my heads in the right space."

He nodded slowly as he looked down at my eyes, the most beautiful green eyes looking in mine "Melody, that's okay. Just go to your shows and we can text? This doesn't have to be a relationship thing."

I chuckled lightly "What a friends with benefits situation?"

He shook his head "No, well unless you want that, let's just start over completely." He stuck out his hand for me to shake but I couldn't not laugh at this whole situation.

"Hi I'm melody." I said shaking his hand politely and he smiled widely in response "Yeah I'm Charles."

"No, I'll get on with my life and you get on with yours and we can try and meet up when we can, sort out the relationship after the tour and the season is over?" Charles bargained which I nodded along too, he was right, there's no point in sorting anything now if I'm going away.

I rooted through his wardrobe until I found a white T-shirt and trousers, we will ignore that they practically drowned me and put it down to the oversized look.

He entered the bedroom as I was finishing tying up my hair into a ponytail "My next race is the 30th, we are taking a break for Easter."

I laughed standing up "I have like ten shows until then," I sighed "And for some reason all I'm going to want to do is be in Monaco."

He laughed leaning against the doorframe as I was earlier "for some reason all I want is for you to be in Monaco too, but I will see you soon for your birthday."

"You're coming to that? I wasn't sure whether you would just send your family." I told him truthfully as I headed over to him, kissing him a final time before I'd leave for the airport.

I still had no idea what this relationship status was, I didn't even know if I truthfully wanted a relationship with him, I mean everyone would kill me and he will probably cheat on me.

But he's my person.

"Mel you need to leave, seeing you in my clothes is too much." He joked as I walked down the stairs up to the front door, I opened it slowly savouring each moment with him.

"Promise I will see you soon?" I asked as I looked at my car on the drive.

"Oh baby you aren't going to get rid of me now." He added as I turned to wave goodbye and finally shut the door behind me, I just hope he doesn't fuck this up now.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now