forty two

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"Melody you are going to either cry or crap your pants." Isa announced as I came downstairs from my zoom call with Jimmy that was broadcast to the world.

My heart rate instantly went up "Oh god what did I say?"

"No, no you did great the interview was absolutely amazing." Isa assured as she patted me on the arm.

"So why am I going to cry?"

Isa let out a breathe of excitement "You know when each year they used to do the Victoria Secret Fashion show and then they stopped it in 2018."

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was an annual promotional event sponsored by and featuring Victoria's Secret, a brand of lingerie. From 1995 to 2018, Victoria's Secret used the show to market its goods in high-profile settings.

I snorted "Well yeah."

"They're continuing it in January 2025, and they've asked if you're willing to model for it." Isa squealed grabbing my hands.

My mouth gaped in shock "Fuck off."

"Dead serious, they want you to model alongside Gigi, kendall, Bella, Winnie, Taylor, adriana, candice, romee all of them. They literally just reached out." Isa continued to squeal excitedly.

"I'd be much more excited and down for it if I wasn't having a freaking baby the month before, the want me in lingerie after giving birth Isa?" I asked confusedly holding my head in my hands.

"Mel come on you're going to bounce right back, you've always naturally had the Victoria secret super model measurements anyway." Isa shrugged.

"I'm not even a model though Isa!" I exclaimed, I'm going to look like a fucking baby deer next to the likes of Winnie Harlow.

"Oh but you are. You literally are. Do you want me to accept?" Isa asked, she couldn't even hide her excitement as she smiled widely at me.

"It's so much pressure to just snap back to my old body I mean I haven't watched my meals during the pregnancy- I haven't-

"Shush I will get you straight back into shape melody this is such an amazing opportunity, you have to do it Mel." Isa beamed and damn was she right.

It was the first show in seven years, I couldn't just turn it down because I'd just had a baby, "what was the message?"

She looked down at the email:

"We at Victoria Secret are desperate to have Melody Verstappen walk for us in the Victoria Secret Fashion show resuming on January 22nd 2025, Melody is such a beauty and would be a prefect fit for the walk. Please consider this, we are aware she is currently pregnant but diversity in the show is fabulous anyway, no pressure. Lots of love Victoria Secret! xxx"

"Oh christ." I mumbled as I looked at the message myself, "I'm about to get so mum shamed for this."

"No you're going to be such an inspiration for mothers and you're going to shock the whole world once again, you can do this melody." Isa told me nicely as she held me closer to her.

"Okay. Accept it."

And she did; I was officially walking in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show of 2025. It wasn't even announced to the public that it was making a return yet.

"Fucking hell my best friend is the number one singer in the world and officially a Victoria secret model." Isa screamed as she jumped up and down with joy.

If the cats were here they would've shit themselves, speaking of my kitties Otis and Ollie they were staying permanently with Penelope as she couldn't let them go after looking after them for me during the tour.

Max pretended he was annoyed that they'd kept the cats but they were constantly on his lap in his streams, he secretly loved them both.

I missed them a lot but they brought a lot of joy to Penelope so I would never break them apart.

"I'm going to have to workout so much now Isa, I don't know if I'm ready for this stuff." I told her sighing but I was also extremely excited for this new journey.

"It's all going to go amazing Mel. Don't think about it, now let's put the end of this race on and enjoy it okay?" Isa smiled happily as she put on my tv.

It was the forty second lap of fifty, Max was in the lead as per usual this season with Charles in second just behind him, Checo in third and Carlos in fourth.

The constant battle between the Ferraris and red bull, Christian Horner was fucking lapping it up, "I hate Christian man." Isa said.

"Yeah me too, love ginger though." I replied, his wife was ginger spice out of the spice girls one of my biggest inspirations, so why she was married to that arse I'd never know.

The race ended just as it had been for the last ten or so laps with Max in P1 and Charles P2, Charles never really commented on it but I knew it was weighing him down.

If red bull hadn't technically cheated this season I reckon Charles could've won a second world championship, he's still beating Sergio and his car that has £400,000 extra invested in it.

It's without a doubt Charles is a good driver, a brilliant one even. If he had the same car, with the same budget he'd be winning easily, and that's why it was so frustrating.

"Well that wasn't an expected result at all.." Isa sarcastically told me, it was such a shame for the sport as less and less people were watching it because it was now predictable that max would win it.

Melody 🎶
That was an amazing race, you beat Sergio! You should be really proud of yourself, we both are x

Charles 💌
I love you both so much, thank you my love

Melody 🎶
Don't be too hard on yourself now alright?

Charles 💌
I'll try x

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now