twenty one

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"Okay so now you've done the blood and the urine, I need to ask you to do a pregnancy test because my blood test results aren't quite as accurate as I would like." Doctor Léa explained holding a piece of paper.

"What do you mean your results aren't quite accurate? In terms of what?" I began to worry as she looked at me kindly.

"In terms of pregnancy, usually you can tell yes or no by blood tests but this isn't a clear indication so I would like if you did a pregnancy test whilst you're here." She simply shrugged, my mouth was gaped.

"When was the last time you had sex melody?" She asked me, at this point I was completely ignoring Charles in the room yet his hand never moved from mine.

"Um- I don't really-

"April 8th, if the last time was with me that is." Charles interjected and damn was he right, I barely spoke to anyone else let alone had sex with them.

"Last time you came to see me!" Doctor Léa figured putting the dots together, she chuckled lightly.

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged awkwardly, it was even worse that he was sat right next to me at this moment in time.

"Okay melody so go and pee on this," she passed me the test "Bathroom is that way."

I nodded along holding the test to my chest, I stood up from the seat and walked over to the bathroom opposite the room.

It felt like I spent hours sitting on the toilet lid, not so patiently waiting for the results of the pregnancy test I'd just taken. My nerves were getting the better of me, hands shaking and heart racing I just couldn't calm down. Not with this because no matter what it said my life was about to change.

My heart was pounding in my chest rapidly, these had been the longest few minutes of my life and all I wanted were the results. I wasn't sure what it would mean if I was pregnant and honestly, the thought kind of scared me. Finally the alarm on my phone went off, startling me out of my thoughts. The results were right there and waiting for me.

Taking a deep breathe I stood up, trying to prepare myself for whatever results were on the little test in my hand. As I turned it over, I could feel my heart drop to my stomach, staring at the results until I just couldn't anymore.

It was too much and you were already exhausted; everything that happened over the last few weeks seemed to sneak up on you at that moment and all you wanted to do was sleep.

I walked back over to the doctors room, Charles had remained stood in the corner of the room, I wondered what he made of this situation, would he want a baby?

"And well?" Doctor Léa asked as I held out the pregnancy test to her.

"So from this I can conclude that you are indeed pregnant, roughly ten weeks or so, so 2 and a half months hence why you haven't got a belly. I will leave it to you guys to discuss what you want to do about the baby, obviously consider hyperthyroidism although I have confidence that you will be okay if you decide to keep said baby and of course congratulations." Doctor Léa recited smiling as she held her hands out on her hips.

Charles thanked her before we walked out of the building in silence, "I'm pregnant" I whispered not sure I believed it myself.

Charles paused as we got to our cars "Mel do you want to come to my house for a while uh we discuss this?"

I nodded a little "Can my security team come and stay outside? They don't really want me anywhere but Carlos and Isas."

"Yeah- yeah that's okay." He said before sitting in his car next to mine, all I wanted to know was what is going through his head.

He wasn't giving anything away, he wasn't over the moon in excitement or absolutely heartbroken, he was kinda just neutral.

I followed behind him all the way back to our old house, feelings always rushed to me when I was there, it was like so much time had passed where this could have been my still home.

Once I pulled up on the drive Charles was already walking into the house and holding the door open for me to trail behind before I finally sat down on the couch, "Do you need a drink of water or tea or something?"

"I'd like some tea thank you." I nodded pulling my knees close to my chest as I sat in a ball.

He walked to the kitchen, our house was pretty open plan so despite being in two separate areas it was the same room "No sugar right?"

I sighed "No thank you."

The tea was made instantly and placed on a coaster on the coffee table when he sat opposite me "So Mel what do you want-

"I'm pregnant," I whispered again, closing my eyes tightly as I could feel the tears building. It was silent for a few moments, so I began to ramble through the tears "I'm so sorry Charles- I didn't-

"Hey, hey," he whispered moving closer to me, tilting my face up, and brushing a few strands of hair out of my face "Don't cry my love, why are you upset? This is a good thing."

When I had opened my eyes I found Charles smiling widely at me, eyes filled with love. Sniffling I stared up at him "Y- you're not mad?"

Charles laughed softly, shaking his head "How could I be mad? We're going to have a baby. If you want it of course- plus i had my suspicions, if I'm honest."

"You did?"

"Yes", he nodded smiling at me, "I just knew something was up. Carlos told me about the daily sickness and stuff but I didn't say anything until you did. Are you... you're okay with this right? You're happy about it?"

I let out a laugh, hiccuping, wiping some tears away, "I mean I think so. I was worried about what you would think, but if you're okay with it...." I trailed off shaking my head "All I am is happy."

He gave you a bright smile, cupping my cheeks and leaning in to kiss me, "You're pregnant."

Still, with all the things we'd have to think about and plan, I felt more happiness than I had done in three whole weeks.

Charles was my happiness.

"I'm pregnant." I repeated, kissing his lips quickly with a giggle.

"We're having a baby."

"We are," I confirmed, letting my eyes close my finger sliding into his hair, his forehead resting against yours gently "We'll be okay won't we?"

"We will melody, I promise."

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now