twenty two

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Charles had rushed after me as soon as I got up, and slipped into the bathroom when I didn't answer his knock. His heart sank as he closed the door again and crouched next to me, his voice soft as he spoke, "It's okay, baby, let it out." One of his hands brushed my hair out of my face and held it out of the way as his other rubbed your back slowly.

He didn't say anything more as he continued to rub your back, waiting for me to sit up again.

Finally, I looked up at him and grimaced "I'm sorry, that's so fucking embarrassing. I looked like an idiot."

He shook his head instantly "No it's not embarrassing at all, don't worry about it alright?"

Since we had the pregnancy news I had stayed with Charles for the last four days, today he would be leaving for the Spanish Grand Prix "I don't have to go today if you don't want me to."

"No, you're going, and I'm going back to Carlos and Isas house." I told him as we sat down on the bathroom floor facing one another.

He sighed grabbing my hand gently "Melody, you know on your birthday- I didn't get you a present."

I chuckled lightly "Yeah I know Max wouldn't let me forget it-

He interrupted "I did have a present for you, I was going to give you a key to the house and ask if you'd move back in with me, because it's not home if you aren't here too."

"So why didn't you?"

"When i heard that song, the new one about the cheating I just couldn't face the truth, I knew I'd fucked up and why would someone as good as you move back in with a cheater?" He quizzed holding both of my hands close to him now.

I sighed, I understood his reasoning "If you would have asked on my birthday even in-front of Max and Kelly or Isa and Carlos I would've said yes."

"But you shouldn't have, I thought I was doing you a favour by pretending I didn't have a present because you deserve better than to move in with me, and now you're having our baby and we live in different countries Mel." Charles held his head allowing the countless thoughts run riot in his head.

Leaning into his body as he snaked an arm around my waist "Look, we will figure out everything when you get back from Spain."

He held me closely to him "I'm going to win it for you and the baby," he kissed my forehead "Are you sure you can stay home on your own?"

I nodded along "Oh yeah, my security team are so entertaining I won't be bored at all!" I sarcastically responded and he chuckled lightly.

"They're their for safety reasons though, I will call you every night. I'm going to pull an Isa on you and text every ten minutes." He joked as I chuckled back at him.

Charles had even called the Monaco police station adding ten more men on to my security team, it was ridiculous.

Isa had literally been texting me every ten minutes like she had an alarm to message me, it was consistent and kind of freaky.

I hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy as Charles and I had decided to keep it a secret until we figure everything out, I mean we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend.

He sighed as he stood up, lending me his hand to help me up also "I just got you back I don't want to leave you again."

"I know, but we'll be waiting for you when you get back." I told him smiling as he grabbed his suitcase from the bedroom and carried it downstairs.

"Every time I hear you say we my heart fucking swells melody." He admitted as he put on his shoes ready to go to the airport for his flight out in an hour.

We called doctor Léa to tell her we were keeping the baby as she arranged an ultra sound for a few weeks time, she was overjoyed.

It seems stupid, I realise that I'm having a baby with the man who has cheated on me publicly, the one who was ruined the trust of my brother and my best friend.

so why was I so god damn obsessed with him.

After all in the past we had always discussed having a baby after he had won a world championship which he had, and after my new album which is hopefully coming out in June if my team aren't all arrested by then!

"You can stay here you know, you don't have to go back to Carlos and Isas'." He mumbled as he walked over to me for a final time.

I shook my head "No I promised Isa I would stay there the whole time, I've already lied to her. I'm pretty sure she's going to start calling security soon to make sure I'm there."

He smiled sweetly "Okay, I've got to go now Mel, we've got lots to talk about when I get back but for now just relax."

"Hm easier said than done, I have an album to finish on my own." I retorted as he bent down a little to hug me, the height difference evident.

"I love you melody," he whispered softly into my ear "Three days, it's just three days."

That's what I keep telling myself.

Soon after he had left I also drove back to Carlos and Isas house which was easily one of the most beautiful in Monaco, the pool was humongous and the garden was so vibrant.

Isa 🦋
Why did Doctor Léa text me congratulations?

Ari 🌙
hi angel, how are you doing after Dallas? i really hope you don't blame yourself mel because it isn't your fault at all. i've been through similar since manchester but you need to look for the light always. i love you, it will get better x

kelly 🥰
I am so proud of you melody, your brother and I are so in awe of you. I'm so sorry you had to cancel the tour but your safety is a priority. we all love you.

Melody 🎶
luke, I am so so fucking sorry. it's all my fault. I don't know why I sit here for hours waiting for a response that's not going to come, but I just need you to understand that i genuinely apologise - it should've been me and if I had the option i would've rather been killed than you. I hope heaven is beautiful and you are being treated like a fucking saint, love you x

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now