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Liked by 45,321,662 peopleCharlesleclerc: mel never forget even for a moment how truly amazing you are, you are the most incredible mother in the entire world

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Liked by 45,321,662 people
Charlesleclerc: mel never forget even for a moment how truly amazing you are, you are the most incredible mother in the entire world. i love you so much. i am truly blessed to be in your life.

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Aurora stretched her arms over her head, letting out her own tiny yawn before settling back against Charles' chest. Charles's hand cupped her back, thumb brushing over her soft skin, "Ohhhh I know. It's been a big day for you hasn't it little love?"

Aurora is officially two weeks old today, and we decided to take her out of the house to the beach for the first time, it was hard at first, the thought of taking her out into the world made me feel sick.

Fans were everywhere anyway, even more so when I was pregnant so we had to leave extremely early this morning, thankfully beaches are relatively quiet this close to Christmas so we stood here taking in the views for hours.

Aurora began to fuss within minutes "It's okay baby," I whispered, pulling her face closer to mine to press a kiss to her forehead "Shhh... shhh you're okay my love. Are you hungry? We'll be going home soon, don't worry sweet girl."

Charles had only started the car after triple checking that both me and Aurora were securely buckled into the backseat. Just as he was about to pull out of the parking spot, I noticed he himself had forgotten to buckle up,I leaned forward slightly to tap his shoulder as I giggled "Charles, are you forgetting something?"

"Huh? No, I don't think so. Did I forget a bag or something or-

"Perhaps," I started not being able to stop the laugh from leaving my lips "You should check your seatbelt. To be safe."

His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion for a moment before he glanced down at his lap and realised what I was trying to say, the formula one driver who doesn't do his seatbelt.

Chafes huffed and clicked his seatbelt in place "Oh, shut it. I guess I'm just more worried about my baby and you than I am myself."

"That's very sweet but I think your baby needs a dad too."

Upon seeing the car pull up in the driveway, Arthur jumped up a smile taking over his face, after the birth we'd given each of Charles's brothers house keys with his mum.

"Hey guys, mums inside with Lorenzo they wanted to make dinner so..," he paused looking to Aurora as Charles got her out of the car "She's so small, I forget."

I chatted to him a little as I toed my shoes off inside the doorway, not wanting to even attempt to bend over. Hanging my jacket up, I noticed the house was much cleaner than we'd left it this morning. The sight nearly brought me to tears, though I wasn't sure if it was the exhaustion, relief, gratefulness or a mix of those.

Pascale came into view in that moment and I gave her a tearful smile, "Thank you Pascale. I appreciate it more than you know."

"No need to thank me," she replied with a smile, gently pulling me into her arms "I know how hard it is after having a baby, just wanted to help you out a bit. Anyway, it wasn't just me the boys helped too."

Charles was busy unbuckling Aurora from her car seat, scooping his daughter up into his arms, and pressing a soft kiss to her head as he brought her to the house.

"You're wide awake now aren't you?" I peered over to Charles's arm as Aurora had fallen asleep in the car, she was, in fact now wide awake and staring up at us with wide eyes.

Her tiny features twisted up slightly, and Charles let out a laugh, turning his head to glance at me "I think that was a yes." I hummed in agreement, leaning to his touch as his lips pressed to my cheek softly.

The rest of the day went smoothly, Charles's family had only stayed over until dinner, in which Pascale made the food I'd craved the most. And as much as I wished to snuggle with my family in the quiet, I was alright to let Charles' brothers pass around their niece and make faces at her and eat a delicious dinner I didn't have to make.

Later that evening after his family had left, Charles was sitting in the rocking chair, holding Aurora to his chest as he pushed his heels off the floor, as he heard me enter the room and gave me a smile. It was one that made me feel beautiful inside and out, even though I certainly didn't feel that way. Pushing my flustered feelings, I shook my head before asking "Ready for bed?"

"Mhm," he nodded, standing up and giving me our little girl bundled in blankets as he pressed a quick kiss to my lips "Just gonna brush my teeth, I'll be right back."

By the time he came back to the room, I'd pulled the bassinet closer to the bed and set Aurora in carefully, cooing to her softly as your fingers brushed over her feet tufts of brown hair, "Goodnight little love. Mummy and daddy are right here and we love you so much. Sweet dreams baby girl."

Groaning I shifted back into the bed, slowly moving to lay on my back. Charles pressed a kiss to Auroras head and then got into bed next to me. He turned on his side slipping an arm underneath my head as he pressed into my side.

His voice was soft, lips brushing my hair "Everything okay my love?"

"My entire body hurts, and I'm beyond exhausted, but I'm good," I murmured, turning my head and pressing my nose into Charles's shoulder as I snuggled into his touch. "I'm just happy that we're both healthy and home. And honestly I've missed getting this close to you. Feel like I haven't gotten a proper hug in months."

He hummed in response, lips placed on my skin "I'm in absolute awe of you, my love. But I'm here and I'll do everything I can to make it a little easier on you. And I've missed this too."

It wasn't too long after we had both fallen asleep, wrapped in each others arms, that Aurora woke up again. Without a second thought, before I could even react, Charles had carefully untangled himself from me and gotten up to scoop his little girl into his arms.

As I struggled to sit up in bed, I watched through lidded eyes as Charles managed to calm Aurora back down in what seemed to be record time.

My heart swelled in my chest, watching how perfectly he had slipped into newborn dad mode. Of course, there was a lot to learn, but Charles was a natural and this was a side of him I'd never seen before. As he crawled back into bed, I snuggled up to him once more, placing my hand over his heartbeat "You're a natural Charles; you were definitely meant to be a dad. I think I'm falling even more in love with you if that's even possible."

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now