iii: solutions

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


Sanemi almost turned around, since no one used that nickname except for his family. As he prepared to ask one of his siblings what the hell they were doing in the street when he explicitly told them not to follow, he paused.

The slight-shorter, black-haired boy he called his best friend stared back.


"Masa?" he asked, shocked to see him tapping on his shoulder in the poor-city slums of a street.

Sanemi had set out from his home to find work with Genya. Not only because they were going to be poor without their mother, but also because dealing with their siblings would be a headache in its own category. Genya and Sanemi found no work, so as all highly-intelligent, parent-having people do, they split up to cover for more ground. Except now, they both found no work, and didn't know where the other was at.

"What're you doing here?" Sanemi asked, circling back to the main point in his brain. What was his rich best friend doing in his poor neighborhood?

"I was looking for you!" Masachika said, his facial expression flashing from shock to sadness, "I heard what happened to your mom! I don't know your pain, but I'm so sorry for you. And her, she really was lovely, doing all that work just to keep you all afloat. No doubt she's in a better place."

Sanemi knew he was trying to be nice, but the thought of his mother burned at his eyes and vacuumed his soul to nothing.
"Thanks," he said, "I really appreciate it. I was actually out to find work with Genya, but I lost him. Have you seen him?" Sanemi asked curtly.

"No, I haven't, sorry. Hey, until you find a job, why don't you and your siblings stay with me? My parents planned to have a big family, but after my brother, they suddenly stopped having kids. We have too many rooms to spare." he said, and Sanemi felt dazed as these words of pure luck hit his ears.

His luck was turning back around, wasn't it?

"Really?" he asked, truly not believing he heard, and Masachika smiled, his mouth forming the most light, calming smile he'd ever witnessed.

"Of course, you're my best friend! You've been there for me most of my life, this really is only a little cost to pay for our friendship!"

Sanemi felt guilty ( 'feeding off your rich friends' his mom would say ) for taking advantage of the situation and using his closest companions' house.

"Actually, I really don't know if I should. You've honestly been one of the most amazing people in my life, and i hate to leech off of you-"

"Nemi, it's totally fine! As I said before, too much room!" Masachika cut him off, and hugged him tightly. Sanemi could only return from his daze to hug back.

"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!" Sanemi yelled, getting louder with each appreciative phrase, and Masachika laughed as he felt his insides squeezed by his best friend.

"Are you gonna look my way or what?" a voice cut through, and both boys turned to see Genya, standing there cross-armed and with half-moon eyelids.

"Oh, sorry," he added, snorting with clear strain, "didn't realize you were kissin' your boyfriend!" He said loudly, turning on his heel.

Sanemi hated it when they said that (specifically Sumi, who started that rumor).

--- <3 ---

Hiroshi looked at all three girls, absolutely dumbstruck as he studied the mystery girl who was placed in the middle.

"Can we keep her?" Kanae and Shinobu said unanimously, and Hiroshi felt himself stop his headshake. "Girls, first off, she isn't a dog, she's a human with basic rights and you can't just decide to keep a full-on human because you want to, like you can with a puppy. Which also means don't ask 'can we keep it' like she is one. And, I think your mother wouldn't be pleased with it" he started, but Shinobu stepped into place.

"So, can we or can't we?" her voice was fierce, but her eyes and lips worded it softly. Hiroshi paused for a moment, then he sighed heavily.

"I'll ask Chouka," he said defeated, turning from the girls with a hunch in his normally perfect posture. Shinobu and Kanae grinned at each other with glee, taking Kanao with them across the house in celebration of their temporary victory.

"Do you like dolls?"


"How about hair brushes?"


"Does she like anything!?" Shinobu said, annoyance becoming more and more apparent in her voice as she turned from Kanae, defeat in her face.

"I'm sure she likes something, like maybe playing. She is fairly little, after all," Kanae said, watching the bright-eyed girl with a soft, sisterly love.

"I'm sure indeed. Like after said, she is a human, after all." Kanae added, smiling as she noticed the glint in Kanao's eyes.

How long ago were they dead and bland, seemingly gone without a chance of soul or repair from any party of contributors. "That is right, correct, Kanao?" she asked again, and Kanao slowly nodded, and Kanae threw her hands to her face. "See? I told you! She'll be the best sister possible,"

"Kanae's been through a lot in the past few days, so I think it really might take her mind off of it," Chouka said, watching the three girls from the edge of the door frame, out of sight to their eyes. Hiroshi flanked her as she swiftly walked away.

"I guess I trust your judgment," he wisped, hearing the girls giggle as the sun set, starting a new chapter in Kanao's life.

( W/C: 570 ) I love y'all enough and you should know it cause I keep on writing this chapter as I hear a god damn wasp buzzing behind my dresser. Annyway, I'm so glad I'm fully editing this now because I keep cringing as I look back at the '>///<' and 'Kyaaa' and the A/N's midway through the story. Hope u enjoyed pooks <3

(Love, Avii)

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