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IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE SHUJI AND LUNA started 9th grade, Luna and Shuji were still together and over the summer Luna had gotten a little bit close to Maya and Anna but Anna still hated Luna because she was jealous of her. Shuji and the two best friends were on Luna's bed watching her pick out an outfit for tomorrow's first day of 9th grade.

"How about this one," Luna stood in front of them wearing a black lace corset.

"How about you wear my hoodie and some jeans," Shuji suggested as for the last 2 hours he has sat on the bed watching his girlfriend pick out the most showable clothes he has ever seen.

"Shuji! Who do you think I am," Luna rolled her eyes and Shuji threw his head back in exhaustion.

"We're never going to get to go to school if you take years to get dressed," Shuji scoffed, and Luna rolled her eyes once more, the two girls beside Shuji watched as the couple fought.

"Just wear that dress," Anna pointed to the dress hung on the handle of her dresser, Luna looked at her for a few seconds.

"Anyway, what do you think of this," Luna asked while holding up a crochet top she had made.

"I like it," Shuji shrugged, Luna scoffed and put the crocheted shirt back in her closet.

Luna had finally got done picking out an outfit after almost a whole day of looking, Shuji and Luna went to the beach to get smoothies and they walked back home. The two laid on Luna's bed, Shuji laid on his back as Luna was close by his side with her leg in between his legs, they talk for a while until Shuji had to go home.

Luna woke up and got dressed ready for a new school year with her boyfriend and friends. Luna sat at the island table in the kitchen eating her French toast, bacon, and eggs while her mom rushed around the house trying to gather her things, and there was a horn heard from outside.

"I think that's Anna's mom, I love you," Gloria kissed Luna's forehead.

"Hey, Mom before I go I want to a-" Luna started.

"Luna there's no time you need to go," Gloria quickly walked down the hall with her heels in her hand.

"But mom-" Luna started.

"Luna go there waiting for you," Gloria raised her voice, Luna scoffed and grabbed her backpack as she walked out of the house, Shuji opened the van door for her, and as she got in he kiss her.

"Hey you okay," Shuji asked, already sensing that something was on her mind.

"I'm fine," Luna mumbled.

"Okay," Shuji's eyes roamed her face.

Luna and Shuji stood in front of a canvas listening to the teacher speak about what they were doing today, Shuji took a few glances at Luna, he knew Luna had something on her mind that was making her mad and sad, which had Shuji thoughts in a panic thinking he had done something.

"Hey," Shuji whispered to Luna, she looked his way and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You okay, you seemed off the whole ride here," Shuji added. As

"I'm fine, pay attention," Luna whisper shouted.

"You two back there, anything to share with the class," Mrs. Davies asked.

"Um no ma'am," Luna shook her head and quickly gave Shuji a look.

Luna laid on her bed flipping threw a magazine while listening to music on the radio that sat on her desk, Shuji was outside of her house, he jumped over the fencing that led to the backyard and headed towards Luna's window and lifted up her window hopping threw it.

"What the hell can you knock," Luna got up from her bed.

"What's up with you today, did I do something," Shuji asked.

"What no?! I'm waiting for my mom to tell me we're moving again," Luna sighed.

"Wait what, why would you be moving," Shuji asked.

"Remember the first day we started school when I told you that my mom and I moved a lot after each grade," Luna asked and Shuji nodded while sitting beside her.

"Well it's another school year and my mom hasn't told me that we're moving so I figured she would tell me today, and I didn't want to say anything," Luna frowned.

"Hey, just because you might be moving doesn't mean we're gonna break up and it doesn't mean you're gonna lose your friends," Shuji told her.

"You don't know that, friendships and relationships don't last long distance," Luna frowned.

"Well we'll see," Shuji said as he was walking beside her.

"I don't know, usually it would be time for my mom to tell me the news that we're moving in a week," Luna informed.

"Well she didn't tell you yet so maybe your not moving," Shuji smirked and soon they heard a car horn, the two quickly got up and ran to the front door and walked outside to the car Gloria was getting out of.

"Hey, can you two grab the groceries in the back seat," Gloria opened the car door and grabbed two bags. They got the groceries in the house and as Gloria was putting them up Luna thought it was time to ask her.

"Mom," Luna leaned against the counter as Shuji ate grapes out of the bowl in front of him.

"Yes," Gloria turned to Luna.

"Um, so I was wondering-" Luna started.

"We aren't moving Luna," Gloria informed.

"Wait what I thought-" Luna started.

"I like my job here their very respectful and you've made many friends being here, this is the first time I've seen you smile since your dad passed, and I don't want to take away that smile," Gloria smiled and she ran a hand threw her daughters hair.

"Shuji has brought back your smile and I'm he did, so we're not moving," Gloria reassured.

"Wait really," Luna smiled wide and jumped up and down then gave her mother a tight hug.

"Thank you!" Luna backed away from the hug and looked toward Shuji whose mouth was filled with grapes.

"Okay, well I need to start dinner your brother is at a play date so remind me to pick him up at 6," Gloria informed, Luna nodded and took Shuji's hand dragging him to her room.

A/N- This a small boring part I know but I will try and do better next part.

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