Chapter 1

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'SKIP!' I screamed at the top of my lungs

'WHAT' I heard a extremely loud moan coming from next door

'GET YOU FUCKING ASS IN HERE NOW' I continued to shout at my brother

Moments later a shirtless skip walked in rubbing his eyes standing in my doorway.

'What do you want Alex' Daniel glared at me

'I need you to help me with my math homework' I flashed a smile at him and he rolled his eyes

'At 9 in the fucking morning on a Sunday, and since when do you do homework' he questioned

'Just help me you ass' he laughed and walked over.

Daniels PoV

'Just help me you ass' Alex said and I started laughing and walked over to her dressing table which she uses as a desk.

'Stand up' I said and sat down in her chair and placed her on my lap.

It concerns me so much on how little she weighs, I try and confront her about it all the time but she won't hear it. It actually makes me sad her sitting on my lap probably weighs no more than a single brick in total.

I explained and helped her do all her homework and we got to the last question.

'Awwww sibling goals' I heard from behind us

Alex's PoV

'Awwww sibling goals' I heard from behind me and me and Daniel turned around at the same time to see 4 boys in our doorway.

'Shut the fuck up' I said and they all laughed

'What are you doing anyway' James said and let out a sigh laugh afterwards.

'He's helping me with my homework' I replied and flicked Daniels ear and he slapped my arm I slapped him back and we started play fighting on the floor till I pinned him down.

'TAP OUT' I shouted and he started hitting the floor with his hand and I got off him then reached out my two hands and pulled him up.

'You two are fucking weird' beau said

'Fuck off beau' I said to the asshole and he just rolled his eyes and ignored my comment. We hate each other, we've never got along when I met the boys 5 years ago I've hated him ever since.

'Why were you doing homework anyway' Luke asked

'Because if I don't do it then I'm going to be put on homework report and we all know I won't pass it and the head said that if I fail another report this year there kicking me out' I said jumping onto my bed and sighing and they all just nodded.

'I'm bored' I moaned and they were all sitting around my room and beau leaning against the doorway because he knows I would kick his ass if he came in.

'Well we're going to the mall if you want to join' Daniel suggested

'Naa I'll pass' I said sighing.

'Thank fuck for that' beau said under his breathe but I heard him

'Shutup beau or I'll cut you' I said angrily

'With what' he said smirking.

I reached over to my bed side table and opened the first draw pulling 2 pocket knifes and flipping the open 'these' I replied and fear filled his and everyone else's eyes.

'Hey bitch' a scream came from my bedroom doorway and pushed beau and entered my room was my three bestfriends Mia, Taylor and tyde. They all looked at me wide eyed when they saw the knifes in my hand but shrugged it of, that's not the weirdest situation they've walked in on.

Taylor sat in my swinging chair. Mia jumped onto the end of my bed then tyde grabbed the knifes out of my hand put them away and sat on the beanbag.

'Hey how comes he's aloud to sit in your swinging chair but I'm not or any of the other boys aloud to' Daniel questioned upset

'Because I love him' I said and laughed and taylor smirked at Daniel.

'Awwww baby skip got a wittle crush' beau said like a baby

'Once again beau, I will cut you' I said staring into his eyes and he shut up.

'Anyways I didn't know you were having a party in here' tyde said looking around.

'I'm not there just leaving' I said and started pushing all the boys out the room and when Daniel wouldn't leave I slapped his ass and he ran, then I slammed the door.

'What we doing today' I questioned.

'Umm I don't mind, we could go skate park or we could go to the huge alley next to that mall and spray paint and shit' Taylor suggested.

'Second one, let me get ready quick' I replied then locked myself in my bathroom. I heard the speakers in my room go up full blast with drake and Justin bieber music, I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes to annoy my brother.

Anyways I'll tell you about myself, my names Alex sahyounie, no not Alexandra, Alex! I'm very short 5'0 exactly I'm bleach blonde but I like to dye my hair regularly different colours because why not. People say I'm really skinny but I would disagree. People would probably say that I'm a 'rebel' or a 'bad ass' which I guess is true but whatever, and yeah that's me. Oh and I'm 16.

I jumped into the shower and washed obviously and did other shit that you do in the shower. I then put on some ripped black jeans and a White adidas top and blue superstars (in the image box) I dried my hair and out it into a messy bun then did the usual makeup, not to much but yeah.

I came out the bathroom and all my friends were sitting on there phones exactly where I left them earlier, how social. I turned the speaker of and heard Daniel from downstairs thank the Lord and I just laughed and said 'can we go maccas first I'm starving'

'Sure thing, bad ass sahyounie' Taylor winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

We started walking down the stairs and the guys were standing by the door 'move losers' I shouted and pushed Daniel and beau out the way and my friends followed me out the door and we started walking to the mall but I was on Taylor's back playing with his hair. Talking and laughing.

Five minutes later a car started driving really slowly behind us I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

'Hey do you have them car tacks on you' I whispered into Taylor's ear.

'Um yeah here' Taylor said pulling them out of his pocket and handing me two.

The car started driving next to us and the front window rolled down and the radio went quiet with Daniel in the shotty of beaus car. 'Who's the loser now' Daniel smirked and they all started laughing.

I threw the car tacks right in front of the car and beau drove straight over them. I smirked and me taylor, Mia and tyde started laughing but they didn't get it and zoomed of down the road.

About 10 minutes later we were still walking down the road and approached beaus standstill car with a flat front tire with beau and Daniel examining the tire, James leaning against the car and jai and Luke sitting on the bonnet of the car on there phones.

'Still you' I said and kicked Daniels back because I was still on Taylor's back.

'What the fuck Alex' Daniel and beau said at the same time and all my friends James jai and Luke were laughing and I just shrugged my shoulders and we continued out way to the mall.

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