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Alex's pov

'i will win' daniel screamed at the tv me and him were playing mario kart

'shutup you slut, I'm going to win' i screamed back, we get very competitive against each other and hate to lose

'loser goes and buys ice cream deal' daniel asks and his phone starts ringing 


'I'm just letting you know that me and jai.'

'SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP' I scream and press the hang up button 

'I WIN I WIN YOU LOSE YOU LOSE' I scream and jump ontop of him 

'can i have 2 scoops of cookie dough ice cream, one scoop of Nutella with caramel and vanilla syrup and crushed Oreo on top please' asked 5 minutes later Daniel left the house on the phone to I'm guessing by what he was saying that it was james.

i was sitting on the couch when the door swung open 'daniel' i heard a familiar voice, beau.

beau left the door wide open and i heard him walk into the living room 'spongebob' he laughed and i looked up to him and laughed back then i remembered what happened yesterday and can't believe he tried being nice to me then i just laughed back what the fuck have i done.

'daniels not here' i said bluntly not taking my eyes of the tv and beau sat on the other couch 

'oh do you know when he will be back' he asked

'probably in like 20 minutes' i replied

'oh' he said awkwardly and i didn't reply

about 2 minutes later he spoke up again 'I'm really sorry about yesterday i re...' i cut him of 

'no your not' i said bluntly still looking at the tv he came infant of me and knelt down so his face was in my eye line

'Alex I'm truly and deeply sorry, hear me out, leading you on to blurt out your biggest secrets is not okay and i actually feel so ashamed for doing that however much we hate each other that is still way out of line and i shouldn't have done that you don't need to accept my apology because i probably wouldn't but i just want you to know I'm sorry' beau said

i sat there in silence for minute he really is sorry about what he did yesterday

'I'm just  going to wait outside for Daniel' beau said getting up

'i forgive you' i said quickly kind if regretting i said that

'what' beau questioned

'i forgive you for yesterday but i still hate you' i smirked and he smiled back

'duh' he laughed

'asif i would like a cunt like you' i smiled

'slut' he smiled back 

'your not arguing agin are you' daniel asked

'ASSHOLE' i shouted





'enough' james said

i grabbed my ice cream of daniel and sat down beau sat one side of me and daniel sat the other side i think all of the boys were confused as to why we were less than a meter away from each other

i ate all my ice cream which i was quite happy about then went to my room to sleep it was saturday tomorrow.

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