chapter 9

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alexs pov 

'cmon guys cheer up' i moaned 

none of the guys have said a word since the whole incident earlier, okay i guess it is kind of my fault because beau didn't actually say what had happened but he started the argument that made me mad enough to spill then he continued to be a cunt. so i blame this on him. 

why the guy i hate the most in the world do i have to have history with ughh i hate my life.

'GUYS' I shouted and none of them spoke

'if you don't speak in the next 10 seconds i will break daniels xbox' i laugh 

'no you won't' daniel laughed ' you brought it for me as if you would smash it'

'oh look he has a voice, what about the rest of you sick cunts' i smiled at and flicked my milk shake at them and they started laughing

'i don't want to talk about this anymore for a while so alex promise me you won't cut again and if your feeling down you will come to me no matter wether I'm with the boys or I'm out with a smoking hot chic ring me or shout down for me and i will be there as soon as i can, my heart was shattered into  a million pieces today because of what you had said earlier and i can't believe i had never suspected a thing apart from you having an eating disorder but I'm here for you mini skip' daniel said and hugged me

'promise' i smiled at him

'ah but do you pinky promise' daniel said and held his pinky out 

'pinky promise daniel' i giggled

'you can come to me anytime you want also if daniels not around or he's pissing you off, he's rather annoying' jai laughed and all the boys nodded in agreement. 

daniel then grabbed my milkshake and flicked it all over jai

'what waste of a milkshake' i said ripping it out of daniels hand 'i really wanted to drink that you know' i laughed looking at jais face covered in milkshake 

'you want it girl, you gunna have to get it of his face' daniel says sarcastically until he realises that I'm actually licking jais face 

'ewww no' jai squirmed

'stop moving you whore i want my milkshake' i said and licked all the milkshake of his face and sat back down

'we could have just got you a new one instead of you molesting me' jai laughed

'its done now' i smiled then we ordered our pizzas

'why do you and beau argue anyway you've never actually said' james asked and all the boys became intrigued

'umm well thats a story for us to know and you to not find out' i smiled 

'tell us' daniel said

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