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I waited impatiently at Taylor's door pacing up and down the porch until he opened the door and I walked straight in

'Ugh what took you so long it's freezing out' i asked as I walked into his kitchen to pour a glass of water

'I was asleep, A warning text to say you were here would have been nice, or you could of just used your key' he replied

'Since when have I ever text you when I'm coming to your house' I laughed 'and I would have but I forgot it in the rush to evacuate my house'

'What happened' Taylor asked confused

'Well I just had to tell my brother and friends the beau story' I rolled my eyes

'You what' Taylor questioned

'Yeah I know, long story short he beat beau up I had a massive go at them said I was going to watch movies climbed out the window and well here I am' I smiled 'is it okay if I stay a few days'

'Yeah it's fine' Taylor smiled and I hugged him

'TAYLOR' a voice from down the hallway sweetly shouted

'I'm in the kitchen' he replied and his mum walked in'

'Oh hi Alex I didn't know you stopped by how are you dear' she asked

'Hi dawn, and um yeah I've been better, how are you' I asked

'Good just trying to find an outfit for tonight, Taylor are you packed' she asked and turned her attention to her son

'Shit Fuck' Taylor mumbled and I gave him a confused look

'I told Alex she could stay here a few night since she's having problems with her brother' he said awkwardly

'Taylor I'm sorry but you don't have much choice it's my sisters wedding I would say Alex could come but were leaving in 2 hours we would need to book her a flight and I don't think marrisa and Colin would want people they don't know at there wedding sorry Alex' his mum said

'Yeah no worries it's cool' I said and headed for the door 'text me when your home Alex I'll leave you to pack bye dawn' and left the house

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