Chapter 4

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I went into my room and put on a oversized red Adidas jumper and some black knee high socks. I walked into my bathroom and removed all my makeup and put my hair up into a messy ponytail. I might dye my hair later I walked down the stairs and into the lounge and noticed jai and Luke checking me out and I just blushed and perched myself In Between them yeah there both extremely hot but there my brothers best friends. It was about 11 and we had eaten Chinese and watched about 4 movies and was halfway through the fifth.

'SHIT' I shouted

'What' Daniel asked worried

'I've got science homework due tomorrow and if I dot do it I'm on report, skip help me' I begged.

'Umm as much as I would love too I'm failing science, I sure if you asked Luke nicely he would help, he's great at it' Daniel said too busy focused on the movie

'Luke' I looked up at him giving him puppy dog eyes

'Cmon' he said standing up and winked at me we started walking upstairs

'So what science you gotta do' Luke asked as we walked into my room

'Chemistry' I said bending down to get my homework out my bag when I remembered I had no shorts on and that Luke probably saw my thong so I stood up quickly and turned around to Luke pretending to mind his own business, I just rolled my eyes and ignored it.

'Here it is' I said dropping it onto my dressing table and Luke sat down on my chair I looked at him he patted on his lap referring for me to sit there so I did

He helped me do all my homework till I finished and I just continued to sit on his lap in the awkward silence not really knowing what to do.

'Okay we both need to stop acting like you didn't see my thong, it was a accident and it happend and we need to stop acting like it didn't' I said all in one breathe and we both started laughing and Luke wrapped his arms round me. A few seconds later I felt something hard underneath me and and I turned to face Luke smirking showing I had noticed his boner and he shrugged his shoulders and smirked back.

'What? it wants what it wants' Luke said laughing

I stood up and turned over to straddling Luke completely forgetting that he was my brothers friend I put my arms round his neck and he put his round my waist.

'And what does it want' I asked innocently playing with his hair

'You' Luke replied and smashed his lips onto mine and we moved our lips in sync perfectly, I slowly worked my way down to Luke's neck sucking on it leaving hickeys that would last for days he did the same, I felt no spark whatsoever but hey I've never felt sparks I don't know what that shit is. We were making out for about 10 minutes when I pulled away realising what I was actually doing.

'L-Luke stop' I said pulling away

'What's wrong babe' he said putting his hands on my ass and leaning in to kiss me again but I just pulled away.

'Luke we can't do this your my brothers bestfriend, he would be so pissed if he found out' I said and sighed

'Well he doesn't have to know' like replied and leant in again and we kissed for a few seconds more until I got up off of him and he pulled the pouty face.

'Right that's enough, get out I'll be down later' I said giggling and started pushing him out he door

'I'll save you a seat' he replied with a wink

UGHHH why is he so hot!


FUCK!! She pushed me away, I really like Alex. She's so beautiful, funny and kind. I know jai likes her also though and to be honest I feel like beau likes her too he just has a funny way of showing it.

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