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Daniels pov

I am so worried right now Alex has left and not told me what if she gets hurt fuck I'm so scared

It's currently 3:30am and I'm sitting in the lounge with all of the boys debating weather to call the police and file a missing person report


'No it's not' Luke reassured me

'Look Daniel she's probably staying at Taylor's or Mia's I'm sure she is fine' Jai convinced me

'I just thought she would message me' I replied

'Well you did sort of beat her first love and your best friend up without letting her give you an explanation' James said

'You let me' I answered

We sat there for half an hour in pure awkward silence all just staying at the ground until we heard bashing on the front door frantically. We all bounced up and headed to the door and swing it open as quickly as possible to a sight we were not expecting to see.

'Move' Cody said panicked with my sister unconscious in his arms as he headed up the stairs

'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TO MY SISTER I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU' I shouted looking at the lifeless body in front of me

'ANSWER ME' i screamed

'SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MINUTE' Cody spat back and headed into her bathroom

He knew our house awfully well to be the first time he's been in my sisters room, but that's not important right now

He placed my sister in the bath and directed the shower head towards her

'WAIT what are you doing' beau asked

'I don't want you to drown my sister'i say

'Trying to wake the girl up not unless you want her to die, I dont know how long she has been out for, just trust me I've done this many times to your sister before it's never been this bad but I've dealt with people as bad as this just trust me' Cody replies and turns the shower on freezing cold

After a few seconds Alex eyes beam open as she gasps for air. She keeps gasping for air.

'Alex it's okay your having a panic attack from the lack of oxygen you will be fine' Cody says as he picks her out of the bath

'Can you guys go stand in that corner your kind of in the way oh and one of you fill that glass with water and get some Advil out of that cupboard' Cody says and I follow his orders

He places her fragile body in front of the toilet and sticks his hands down her throat making her throw up 'I'm getting the alcohol out of her body' he fills us in.

He then passes her the Advil and the water and let's her sit panting for a few minutes In the silence.

'Are you okay' he rubs my sisters back and she lets out a faint nod

'Thankyou, I'm guessing it's the same as last time' she asks

'Worse but yeah' he chuckles and so does she

'Cmon then let's get you up and changed you need some rest' Cody says picking her up bridal style

'I can take it from here' I interrupt

'No you can't' Cody replies and Alex chuckles he places her on his bed and goes over to her clothes getting her some underwear, a bra, socks and a long baggy tshirt

'I didn't know you had my shirt' he asks and Alex just smiles innocently at him

'Hey you know this house and where all my sisters stuff is way to well for this to be your first time here' I raise my brow at him

'Lucky guess' Cody smirks and hands them to my sister to put on and she gets changed in the bathroom

When she comes out Cody sits her down and starts wiping her makeup of with a baby wipe the brushes and ties her hair up in a messy bun

'You Alex need to get some rest' Cody says as she gets into bed

'Now do you want me to come down and explain before you decide to call the cops on me or some Shit' Cody asks

'Yes' I reply

'You might want someone to stay in her room for a bit just incase she chokes in her sleep or something, she is sill drunk and could possibly throw up in her sleep' Cody suggests

'I ca-' beau starts but we all interrupt


'Luke your the most responsible I'll fill you in later' I say and leave my sisters life in lukes hands

'Explain' I say bluntly as we sit on the sofa

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