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Jais POV

I can't believe I said that, she going to hate me now, fuck sake my jealousy took over I mean her and Cody, she slept with my brother who she hates, what's wrong with me?

'What's up bro' James asked me

'I can't believe I said that, I didn't mean it, it just came out she's going to hate me now' I said truthfully

'Nah bro, my sister will get over it she already got the satisfaction of seeing you shit yourself because your so scared of cody' Daniel said smirking

'I wasn't scared of him' I said defensively crossing my arms

'Whatever you say bro' Luke replied and messed my hair up

Alex's POV

Once I got home from being out with my friends and started walking to the kitchen to get a drink whilst scrolling g through my phone and I walked into someone I looked up and saw beau, great.

'Watch it short ass' he said pushing me out the way

'Did someone leave your cage open, DANIEL CALL ANIMAL CONTROL' I shouted and all the boys came running in

'Haha very funny, someone's clearly pms'ing' he said and started laughing

'Maybe I am, why does that matter' I challenged him

'Because your being a moody bitch, more than usual, I would give you some chocolate but you won't be needing that' he replied pointing his finger up and down my body, he was right I do need to loose more weight

'You two stop arguing for once' Daniel said rolling his eye

'Not my thought this thing won't leave me alone' he said pointing at me

'Me, thing, I'm a human, any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental' I said smirking at me comment

'Are you two forgetting that you both had sex with each other last night' James said laughing

'Don't remind me' I rolled my eyes

'What you loved it' beau said smirking

'Wow someone's cocky' I say

'Just because you know I gave you the best night you've every had' he challenged me

'So your basically saying you thing your the best when it comes to sex your the best' I asked and he nodded

'Now all you need is a girlfriend and we all know that will never happen, I think we can all agree your going to die alone' i said and he twins both started sniggering

'I think we can all agree that your going to die early too' he said smirking

'You can say what you want beau but deep deep down you know that I have never done anything to you, you start on me for no reason and because you have stuff on me you continuously use it to make me feel bad about myself, yes I know I'm fat, I'm ugly, i self harm, I have depression, anxiety and you use that to hurt me even more I HATE YOU' I spat at him

Beau looked at me with eyes of sympathy looking like he was about to cry for a split second but his face transferred into anger 'I HATE YOU TWO ALEX, JUST BECAUSE YOUR LIFES A FUCKING FAILURE AND I HAVE A GOOD ONE YOU PICK A FIGHT WITH ME' he screamed back

'Beau get out' Daniel said calmly

'What have I done i was telling the truth-' Luke cut him of

'Beau just leave' Luke said

'You can come back later I just want to talk to my sister' Daniel said

'Fine, I'll just let her fuck everything up like usual' he said walking out

'Beau just fuck off' I screamed and he walked out not replying

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