Untitled Part 12

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'Can you smell that' I asked Luke and he carried on trying to kiss me

'No Luke seriously it smells like smoke' I said standing up

'Shit yeah I can' Luke said snapping out of whatever trance he was in we both walked over to my door and I opened it to reveal a huge cloud of smoke burst into my room. Me and Luke both looked at each other with worry in our eyes and ran downstairs as fast as we could to see my living room up in flames.

'LUKE CALL THE FIREMEN!' I shouted and he grabbed his phone

Skip was in there, so was jai, James and beau. Without thinking about putting out the fire or anything I did the most craziest thing, ran into the fire to rescue them. I heard Luke screaming my name but that just passed through my ears along with the smoke, I needed to do this.

the flames went up high along side me and I searched through the smoke to find the boys I reached a couch and gripped onto it firmly 'can you hear me' I shouted stressed and I heard a faint 'y-yeah' and coughs which sounded like jai. 'Don't worry I've got you, your going to be fine, can you move' I asked 'not really' jai replied.

'I'm sorry if your hurt but i don't really give a fuck right now id rather you be hurt and live' I grabbed his arm and slung it over my should cautiously to not put him in to much pain. One arm went over my shoulder and I supported his body with my other arm with his legs dragging across the floor, I pulled him with all my strength to the door way and screamed 'LUKE TAKE HIM' Luke did as I said and grabbed his weak brother as he coughed trying to catch his breathe.

'you can't go back in' luke looked at me and i just ignored him

I ran back into the death pit deeper than before and heard coughs nearby 'can you hear me' I asked 'yes' James infected lungs gasped out 'can you walk' I asked no reply 'JAMES' I shouted, great he's unconscious. I Grabbed both his arms and pulled him up of the floor as he winced in pain I tried to forget about fire. Once he was standing I grabbed once of his arms and delicately place it over my shoulder I grabbed the leg closest to me and lifted it up, yes I was carrying James, the last few years of fighting skip has really paid off. My weakening body carried James to the door and Luke took him of my and I saw jai lying on the floor. he looked unconscious 

I rummaged my way through the flames searching for the remaining souls I was much weaker than last time the smoke had intoxicated my body. my energy levels were decreasing but i refused to give up i was getting everyone out of that fire including myself alive. I came near a couch and saw a arm dangling of it, I'd recognise them tattoos anywhere. 'Skip' I cried. 'Alex, why are you in here get out' skip replied lifelessly. 'I'm not leaving without you, Cmon' I said, I grabbed both his arms and wrapped them round my neck and he placed his neck against my chest. I grabbed him from his underarms, where I was touching him right now was the least of my worries. I placed My arms there and dragged him through the deadly obstacle course which was nearing smaller and smaller, almost extinct as the flames covered all the room. I reached the doorway again and placed skip down quickly regaining my breathe, which was very little with all the smoke inside of me i didn't have time to stand there and catch my breathe beau was dying i need to stop being so selfish. 'You can't go in there again' Luke said grabbing my arm. 'I'm not leaving your brother' I said and ran for my life into the room so he couldn't stop me.

I couldn't see anything. 'BEAU, BEAU' I screamed 'over here' I heard the slightest whisper coming from the other side of the room. I had hardly any oxygen left in my lungs but it would not stop me, I'm getting me and beau out of here no matter what. I go to the corner of the room and saw beau curled up in the corned coughing for his life. I crouched down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

'Alex what are you doing here' beau asked looking at me confused and let out some more coughs

'getting you out of here is what I'm doing' I said

'No point you go I'm to weak now' beau said with despair.

'I'm not leaving without you so if you stay I stay, think about our brothers beau' I replied

'just fucking go theres not enough room or time for both of us' he said and then the chandelier fell down i could only see a tiny exit big enough for one person, maybe i should leave beau behind all the pain he has caused me?

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