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I went into my room and put on a oversized Adidas jumper and some knee high socks. I walked into my bathroom and removed all my makeup and put my hair up into a messy ponytail. I walked down the stairs and into the lounge and noticed jai and Luke checking me out and I just blushed.

'can we watch a scary movie' i asked 

'yeah sure' daniel replied and we watched a couple of movies all of the guys were staying tonight

'um alex do you have any tweezers' luke asked 

'yeah why i questioned

'i have a really bas splinter and its pissing me off' luke replied

'yeah ill help you get it out'

'what a pussy' beau commented

'shut the fuck up cunt' i replied

'im tirerd so ill probe be asleep by the time you come down night' daniel said and beau, james and jai agreed

'okay blow the candles out we don't want a fire' i said taking luke upstairs

'yes mum' james replied and i rolled my eyes

i took look into my bathroom and grabbed my tweezers 'right where is it' i turned round and luke grabbed my waist and placed his lips on mine i kissed back for about 10 seances then pulled away realising what I'm doing, likes such a good kisser i get carried away.

'you don't have a splinter do you' i raised my eyebrows

'nope, i wanted to talk to you' he said sitting on my bed and placing me next to him with my hands in his

'what' i asked

'i know you probably don't want to bring this up again but you know the other day when shit hoaxed and you were saying about how you hated everything about your body, face and personality, i just want you to know that you are perfect the way you are and your flaws are all perfect to' luke said

'what do you mean' i asked and blushed at the same time

'your perfect, your eyes are so beautiful bright blue like the caribbean sea, your cheeks the way they go all rosy when someone compliments you like what there doing right now, your soft and plump lips that are so magical to touch. look at your jawline its so nice, then your boobs I'm not going to go into much detail with that along with your ass as i might get carried away because you know I'm a guy' he said and i let out a laugh

'and i know this all sounds really cringey but its the truth and if you can't see it someone has to tell you and if thats..' i cut luke by placing my lips on his we made out for a few minutes until i pulled away.

'Can you smell that' I asked Luke and he carried on trying to kiss me

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