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Alex has officially lost it, what is she thinking going into a fire to rescue us, the fires so big she might not make it out finally the fire crew arived and 3 men ran into the Hall where we were

'Is everyone out and safe' the man asked

'No his sister went in and brought these three out and has gone In again to get my brother we couldn't stop her' Luke said as fast as he could.

'Put the fire out so they can live' I begged

'We can't If we put it out they will 100% not make it out we will have to wait and if there not out in 2 minutes we Will put it out and find there remains' the man said almost convinced they were dead.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. There's only one minute to go and all hope is lost. I faint shadow started approaching getting larger and larger and eventually came to the door my sister came out of the living room with beau on her back she was coughing for her life, she saved us, all of us. The fire men grabbed beau and Alex and took them outside straight away and we also got sent out so they could put the fire out.

'water' Alex gasped for her life and the firemen handed her a bottle of water and she downed every single drop beau did the same, Im So glad she's okay, my hero, all of our heros. We all sat on the floor leaning against the fire tuck in a line watching the house being put out In silence.

10 minutes later once everything calmed down the ambulance checked to see if we were all okay and If any of us needed to go to hospital which we didn't.

'Luke brooks, seen though your in the best condition can you please tell us what happened' the police officer said

'Well we were all in the lounge watching movies and i asked Alex if she could help me remove a splinter, when we went up they said they were going to sleep and alex said remember to blow the candle out. we had just got the splinter out and we smelt smoke we both ran down to see the living room up in flames. I froze and Alex screamed for me to call the firemen the next thing I knew was when I looked up and saw her running into the fire, she brought out jai my brother, then James, then her brother skip, Daniel I meant Daniel then she went in again and brought out beau' Luke said

'Your a hero you know' the woman said smiling at Alex and Alex let a little smile creep back.

Once everything was sorted we were told to stay at James since Gina was out of town I was aloud In the house quickly along with Alex to pack a bag, we were told we won't have to go to school for the rest of the week, bonus. The ambulance drove us to James where his mum and dad made us drinks and let us shower and get changed. She also thanked Alex massively for saving us and especially James. I have the best sister don't I she came down in a weeknd Jersey and grey shorts with knee high socks on and cuddled up next to me on the floor.

'Thankyou' I whispered into her ear

'Your welcome' she giggled then went to sleep

- i think i updated 10 times today yay go me, btw that probably won't happen ever again but i will try and update more-

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