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Alex's PoV

It's been a few weeks since the fire and surprisingly me and beau are a lot let argumentative now, we're not friends but we're not constantly hating on each other which surprisingly I like.

All 6 of us are currently sitting in a pizza restaurant booth enjoying our food me and beau were squished against the wall opposite eachother with Luke next to me and James opposite him and Daniel and Jai at the end

'So alex' Daniel said and I could tell this wasn't going to be good

'I've been putting off asking you this for a while I didn't want to upset you but I have two things to ask you but I just want to get it out of the way' Daniel continued

'What' I raised my brow

'First of who did you actually loose your virginity to because I can tell when your lying and you said Taylor which was a lie' Daniel started and beau spat his drink out laughing knowing how awkward it was for me

'Shut up beau, you never actually told us who you lost your virginity too either' Jai said and all the boys nodded I then spat my drink out and beau gave me the death stare

'Oh how the tables have turned' I said to beau

'Shut up Alex if I go down your going down with me' beau smirked

'Enough guys, and anyways second think what triggered your depression' Daniel asked

Me and beau were just staring at eachother fm for ages how was I meant to say that we lost our virginity to eachother and he triggered my depression

'Well Alex just spit it out' Daniel said impatiently

'Well funny story there sort of linked to the same thing' I let out a nervous giggle

'Just answer these next two questions with briefest amount of words possible with no hesitation' Daniel said and I nodded knowing I couldn't get out of this

'Wait Daniel I think it's better to do this in more of a private place but not so private incase anyone gets killed' beau says concerned

'Were doing this now' Luke takes over

'Okay Alex these two questions are about you loosing your virginity' Daniel spoke and I nodded again

'When' he asked

'Two nearly three years ago' I said and Daniel turned red and so did the other boys

'Who?' He asked and I scrunched my face up and I delayed it for as long as possible till Daniel smashed his hands on the table

'ALEX SPIT IT OUT' he shouted and everyone's heads turned to look at us

I let a single tear fall down my cheek 'beau' I mumbled

'I didn't hear' all off the boys said and I put my head on the table they all started shouting at me to tell them

'It was me okay! We lost our virginity to eachother' beau chocked out for me

'What' Daniel gritted his teeth

All the boys got out of the booth Luke grabbed me by the waist and carried me out of the restaurant everyone was staring I was kicking my legs and crying for him to put me down and Daniel had grabbed beau by his shirt and dragged him out into the parking lot they locked me in the car the only ones not in the car were beau and Daniel I looked out the window to see Daniel repeatedly punching beau on the ground

'GET HIM TO STOP, ITS NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE' I screamed for mine and beaus life's

'What do you mean it's not what it sounds like he fucked you when you were fourteen end of story' James said

'It's not what it sounds like' I cried and they ignored me because Daniel and beau were getting in the car Daniel and James were in the front me and the twins in the middle and beau in the back no one spoke a word all you could hear was me crying as Daniel started the car and drove off

'DANIEL I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOUR A CUNT, YOU DIDNT EVEN LISTEN TO THE WHOLE STORY IT NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE' i screamed as I climbed over into the back to see beau the boys were going to keep me forward but I pushed them off

'What because he meaninglessly fucked you and you got depressed about it, why wouldn't I be mad' Daniel said

'If only you knew Daniel, but you didn't give me chance to explain its far from that' I said furiously

I pulled some tissues out of my bag and wet them with a water bottle in the back and started wiping the blood of his face, arms and legs

Once it had removed all of the the blood I kissed beau on the cheek so slowly

'Beau I'm so sorry he did this too you, after he finds out the whole story it will be okay between you, I promise, little does he know it's my fault' I smiled at him and placed my hand on his knee

'We can hear you, you know' James said

'I don't give a fuck' I replied harshly as we pulled into the drive 'now get the fuck in the house all four of you and sit the fuck down' I said as they all got out the house and left beau

'Great brothers you have there' I let out a little giggle

'Tell me about it' he laughed

I half carried beau into the house and brought him into the kitchen to get some ice I then helped him into the lounge where all of the boys were sitting studying my every movement waiting for me to talk. I placed beau on the available sofa and our ice on all his wounds and stood up in the middle of the room

'You fucking discust me Daniel' I said looking him in the eye then at beau

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