Chapter 6

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Daniels POV

I woke up spread out across the sofa, it was quite comfy actually. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light, worst thing ever in the morning. Once I could see properly I looked around the room to see jai, Luke and James all on their phones.

'Where's beau and Alex ' I asked rubbing my eyes

'We don't actually know, we're guessing beau went home or something and Alex is probably asleep in her room' James said and I nodded

'I think we should go smack cam Her' Luke said with a huge smirk on his face

We all stood up and quietly made our way up the stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom and stood outside the door and all looked at eachother.

I slowly placed my hand on the door handle and pushed the door open without making a sound and we all smirked before we entered the room and I saw something I never want to see again.

My face turned into shock I looked at the other boys they were as shocked as me, I turned my angle to the packet of weed on the floor then to the empty bottle of vodka then to a used condom, fuck no this can't be real.

I looked up onto the bed where my little sister was sleeping on my best friends chest both with no tops on.

I didn't know what to do I grabbed the air horn and pressed it as hard as I could making beau and Alex jump out of there skin.

'Daniel what the fuck are you do,, OMG' Alex screamed then ripped all the covers of beau to cover herself and ran into her bathroom locking the door leaving a scared naked beau on her bed.

'Bro, I'm so sorry I didn't know' beau said sympathetically I was to mad right now to take his shit I just ran out of the house and didn't stop running, I'm going to go back soon I just need to clear my mind.

Alex's POV

There was no way I was getting out of this.

I jumped into the shower and washed my body and my hair. I then put on some black skinny jeans, an Adidas jumper and some converse I blow dried my hair and left it straight and did my usual makeup.

I came out my bathroom and went into my room which was full of silence and decided to text Mia, Cody, Taylor and Tyde.

'Hey guys get to mine in 10 it's an emergency let yourself in, love ya<3 xox'

They all replied with okay except from Mia who's celebrating her cousins birthday:(

I went downstairs knowing I would be interviewed by them as I walked past the hallway I heard Daniel say 'sit' I looked into the living room and he was pointing to the sofa next to a guilty looking beau. I walked over and sunk into the sofa preparing myself for the lecture.

'I just want you to know that I'm not mad at you' Daniel said whilst I cut him off

'I know I crossed the line it won't happen again, wait what' I said shocked

'I'm not mad at you, you were drunk, very drunk actually you didn't know what you were doing so fucking my bestfriends and getting off with my other bestfriends was a accident and as for the weed, you have no parents life isn't the easiest' Daniel said and I got up and hugged him

'What you just going to let her get away that easy, she was smoking weed how longs she been doing that for, probably because of that Cody asshole he thinks he's so hard and' jai said but got cut of by the door opening.

'Hey babe' Cody said walking in with Taylor and tyde behind them

'Sup bitch' Taylor shouted and they all stood next to me and Cody put his arms around my waist and stood behind me.

'Want to carry on jai' i said and beau and Luke started smirking and James and Daniel were more scared.

'Ummm, no I was finished' jai said and I gave him the death stare.

'Cmon minions lets leave these losers' I said and jai gave me a very great full smile.

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