4. Doubts?

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Damian POV

"Here we are, this is my favourite place to eat" I smile as we walk towards the restaurant door, Sky's arm is still through mine and I couldn't ignore the fact that I like it, I felt at ease with her, like I could be myself. With Liv I sometimes feel,like I have to tone things down.

"I've never had Puerto rican food before but I'll give anything a try  once" she says causing my smile to get bigger "what?" She asks

"Nothing it's just refreshing to be around a woman that will eat anything and isn't counting calories........your not counting calories  are you?" I ask realising I could have just put my foot in it.

"No, not at all, I'm comfortable with the way I am" she smiles "always have been"

We enter the restaurant and the waiter recognises me, he guides us to one of the best tables in the place and we both take a seat. I find myself just watching Sky and she looks over the menu with genuine interest.

"So what do you recommend?" She asks

"They do the best mofongo here" I say "and the cheesecake is to die for"

"You've sold me on the cheesecake, but what is mofongo?" She asks

"It's fried plantain, mashed with salt, garlic, broth and olive oil" I explain "you can have it with veg, chicken, shrimp, beef or octopus"

"Alright I'll give it a go" she smiles "I think ill have it with chicken"

At this moment I was in awe of this woman, not only had she allowed me to recommend food for her but she was willing to try it. I was never this lucky with Liv, she could be quite picky at times and she won't try anything she doesn't like the sound of. Sky was like a breath of fresh air, nothing like Liv.

"You ok?" She asks placing her hand on mine

"Yeah, I'm just not used to eating with a woman so willing to try stuff" I say "Liv wouldn't touch this stuff, I brought her here once and she refused to try anything off the menu, so we never came back"

"Fussy eater?" She asks and I nod "well when you love someone you take them with all their faults, it says alot about you that love her despite them"

"Yeah I guess" I shrug and her brow furrows, before she can speak the waiter comes to take our order, once he's gone she turns her attention back to me.

"I know it's none of my business and I have no right to ask but you do love her don't you?" She asks

"Yes......of course I do........its just some times she can be hard work"  I say " we are very different people and sometimes we clash.....I mean I'm sure I'm not picnic either"

"D" she says and I feel my heart literally skip a beat "you've asked something of me, now I'm asking something of you, if you have any doubts at all please talk to her, don't bottle it up"

"You're amazing you know that" I smile "you're the first person that hasn't passed it off as nerves, you see through me it's like you can tell what I'm thinking or feeling. I think you and I will be great friends"

"Well I'm always here if you need some one to talk to" she says just as our food arrives "oh this looks good" she says taking her fork and immediately taking a mouthful "Oh my god it is"

"You like it?" I ask with a smile and she nods "I'm going have to bring you here often so you can try other things"

"If they are like this, I'm in" she says and for a moment I just watch her enjoy each mouthful of food.

Until now I hadn't had a single doubt about Liv and I, but now I was starting to question the little things, do I love her? Yes after that out of no where I'm unsure. How could it be some one I had known for two days can make me question my entire relationship?

Sky was like the friend I never knew I needed, she accepts me as I am, she allows me to give her a nickname something Liv will not do and she listens to me and gives straight up honest advice, whatever happens I need her to stay in my life.

Once we finish dessert I see her reach for her bag and take out her purse. I place my hand on top of it and she looks up at me.

"Don't you dare, this is my treat" I smile "you can pay next time"

"Next time?" She asks looking at me quizzically

"Yeah we agreed we'd come here again" I say

"Oh right.....yes we did" she chuckles "Alright, I'm holding you to it though"

"Deal" I smile "so what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Don't have any" she says "my day is completely free"

On hearing that I didn't want to go home, I wanted to spend more time with her, to take every minute I could get with her. As I help her put on her jacket she tales my arm again and we walk outside

"Listen I don't have any plans either, would.......would you like to spend the rest of the day hanging out with me?" I ask

"D......" she pauses and looks into my eyes "yes, yes I'd love to"

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