23. Accident?

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Skylar POV

As I open my eyes I'm greeted by the sight of my handsome sleeping husband. Our legs are entwined, his hand rests gently on my stomach and his head is on my shoulder. I lived for moments like this, I loved that he was cuddler and how no matter how I moved he managed to keep hold of me.

Today we planned to have lunch with Matt to tell him our news before anyone else did. I wanted the pleasure of seeing his face when he finds out he's going to be an uncle to his sister and best friends baby.

Lightly I move a strand of hair off Damians face and run my finger tips down his cheek and throug his beard. I couldn't begin to describe how happy he made me or how much I loved him.

All to soon the need to use the bathroom requires me to leave his side and his embrace. Somehow I manage to remove myself without waking him.
Finishing in the bathroom I stand the doorway and look at him for a moment, he's laying on his front, his back tattoo partially visible and he looks for lack of a better word......perfect.

As my stomach rumbles I get an idea, for once I can treat him. I can nip out and get us breakfast and be back before he wakes up. Pulling on my jeans and his shirt I tie my hair back and slip out of the room.

I head down to a little bakery I had seen the day before, I figured coffee and fresh pastries would be a nice treat. The second I walk in the delicious smells hit my nose and I find myself wanting to buy everything.

Being good I get croissants and pain au chocolat and to my delight they are still warm. Next I stop at a small coffee shop and get him a large coffee and myself a tea. Pleased with myself I make my way back to the hotel.

When I get there I see Liv standing outside and I take a deep breath hoping she will just let me go inside with no trouble.

"Is it true?" She asks standing in my way

"Is what true?" I ask nervously

"Is it true that you're pregnant?" She asks "that you are having a baby?"

"Yes it's true, we are having a baby why?" I ask

"Oh come on you don't expect me to believe its his do you?" She laughs "I've seen how you are with the other guys, so whose is it?"

"How dare you!" I snap "I am faithful to my husband, it's his baby and he couldnt be happier, if you care about him at all you will drop this before you start and not hurt him any more"

"It's becuase I care about him that I fully intend to tell him the truth, once I have it all figured out and I have proof" she smirks "enjoy your breakfast" she says walking away and deliberately shoving me to one side causing me to bang into the hotel door.

"Are you alright Miss?" The receptionist asks and I nod

"I'm fine, thank you" I smile "it was an accident I'm sure"

Quickly I head back up to our room and the safety of my husbands presence, he had bee right about her and I had no idea what she was going to do, all I knew was that whatever "proof" she gives him will be fake......I just need to hope he trusts me enough to not believe her.

"Hey mi amor, where did you get to?" He asks as I walk through the door, he takes hold of my hips and kisses my forehead while I try not to flinch at how sore my side is "are you ok you look like that hurt?" He asks

"I'm fine, I bumped into Liv, I'm sure it was an accident that she didn't mean to knock me" I say looking at the worried expression on his face "she knows by the way"

"Really? An accident?" He says looking at me "I'm not so sure of that, while I love that you wanted to get me breakfast from now on you don't go anywhere without me"

"D please don't make a big deal out of this" I say placing the stuff down "this morning has been perfect I don't want to spoil it"

"Alright I won't........this time" he says looking in the bag "are these all for me?" He asks with a cheeky grin

"No there's one for you and the rest are for the baby" I smirk

"Hmmm how about we split them equally" he says handing me a croissant

"I think I can live with that" I smile "I got you coffee too"

"Thank you mi amor" he says taking a sip "Oh this is good coffee"

As I watch him enjoy his breakfast I am all to aware that he doesn't know the full story. I know I need to tell him before she says anything but I don't know how to start the conversation or explain why she thinks what she does.........the worst thing is what I'm feeling right now.....the fear of losing my husband, the love of my life over a lie

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