25. Can't Forget

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1 month later


As soon as I left the hotel I had made my way to the airport and got myself on the first flight out of there, though I didn't go home. I guess you could say I ran away, I ran to the one place I had been truly happy.

I had ignored calls and texts from Damian, Rhea and Matt. No one knew where I was and for now it was going to stay that way. It hadn't taken long after arriving in Puerto rico to realise it was Damian that was the reason I had been happy here.

All the memories of our time here had come flooding back, and I was convinced I was subconsciously trying to torture myself because I had chosen a hotel that faced the beach we were supposed to get married on and the ocean where we had conceived our child.

I had tried so hard to forget him, to forget everything about him but it was no use, my heart was stained in him and whether I liked it or not I was going to love him until my dying breath.

A couple of days ago and I had taken a walk and without thinking I'd ended up outside what was supposed to have been our dream home. I just couldn't understand how he could make all these plans with me, conceive a child with me when nothing of what we had was real........he never wanted me.

On a couple of occasions I had looked out of my hotel window and been convinced that I had seen a familiar silhouette down by the sea. But it couldn't be, he didn't know where I was and there was no way he would think to look for me here.

The peaceful silence is broken by my phone ringing and this time it is my mother. I answer the call and take a deep breath bracing myself for the lecture I know I'm about to get

"Hi mom" I say softly

"Skyler, sweetheart, we've all been worried sick! Where are you?" She asks

"I'm fine mom I just needed to be alone" I say

"Matthew told me what happened, and Damian came to see us" she says "your husband is an absolute mess, he's lost without you"

"He doesn't want me mom" I say "he wants her"

"I know you're hurting but you are wrong about him, he loves you" she says "I saw how he looked at you, I saw the love in his eyes. I know he made a very very poor judgement but I think you should let him explain"

"I don't want to hear it mom" I say running my hand over my small bump "I just want to focus on me and the baby"

"At least tell me where you are so I can let him know" she says "he's been terrified something had happened to you or the baby"

"I don't want him to know where I am" I say "I'm.....I'm in Puerto Rico but please please don't tell him"

"Alright fine but you are making a huge mistake Skylar" she says "don't give up on him, don't close your heart to him yet"

"I.....I'll think about it" I sigh "I've got to go, I'll speak to you soon mom" I say ending the call, the second I put down the phone the tears start to fall again........why does this have to hurt so much

Damian POV

As I hear the click and dull tone of the call ending I lean back in the chair in relief. At least I knew where she was and that's she and our baby are alright.

"Well at least we know she's alright" her mom says

"Yeah" I sigh "but it's not enough, I want her here with me, I want her in my arms, I want her back" I say as the tears start to fall again "I messed up badly and I don't know how to fix this"

"If we knew where in Puerto Rico she was you could go to her, make her listen to you" she says

"Oh I know exactly where she will be" I say "but you heard her, she doesn't want to see me, and she'll know you told me and I don't want to cause you two to fall out"

"Listen to me, right now she is being stubborn enough for the both of you. She's had a month of being awol, you have suffered long enough. You two are meant to be together you know that, I know that and deep down she knows that too." She says "go to her, win her back"

"And if she won't see or speak to me?" I say

"Then at least you can say you tried" she says giving my hand a squeeze "what the two of you have is worth fighting for"

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