17. Meet The Parents

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Skylar POV

After the brutal schedule leading up to backlash and the match itself Damian had been granted some time off to rest and recover. We decided it was an ideal opportunity to visit my parents and tell them our news. Though quite how we were going to approach this I wasn't quite sure, we had quite the tale to tell.

"Well here we are" I say pulling up outside my parents house, glancing over at Damian I see him shifting nervously in his seat "Hey, everything will be fine, they will love you"

"Yeah?" He asks nervously "this isn't a straight forward meet the parents situation here, how can you be sure of their reaction?"

"I can't but I know them and I know they will love you" I say squeezing his hand "besides all else fails blame Matt, it never failed when I was a kid" I say and he laughs.

Getting out of the car he walks around to me and takes hold of my hand lacing his fingers with mine. We walk slowly to the front door and before I have chance to knock the door flies open and I'm greeted by the confused face of my mother.

"Skylar, where have you been? You were supposed to be moving back here and you never showed, you never called" she says and I feel Damians eyes on me

"I'm sorry mom but I'm going to explain everything I promise, can we come in?" I ask

"We? Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there I'm Jeanette" she says holding out her hand

"Damian it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Riddle" he says and she smiles at him before moving aside

As we walk into the house my mom leads us through to the living room where my dad is sat watching TV "John turn that off, Skylar is here and she's brought a young man with her" she says

"Skylar, its nice to see you're still alive, you've had us both worried you know" he says looking up at me.

"I know I'm sorry dad, I'm going to explain" I say guiding Damian to the couch and taking a seat "this is Damian, he's Matt's best friend and he's.........well he's my husband" I say bracing myself

"Husband! You got married without telling us?" My mom gasps

"Not exactly I didn't know we were married until two months ago" I say

"I think you better start from the beginning honey" my dad says

As I talk them through the whole story Damian keeps hold of my hand and occasionally I feel his eyes on me. My parents faces are unreadable as I continue to fill them in.

"And last week Damian asked me to marry him again and that's why we are here" I finish

"Mr and Mrs Riddle I want you to know that I love your daughter with all my heart" Damian says "I know I must not look to good to you leaving one woman for another but I genuinely fell in love with Sky, she's everything to me and I want her by my side for the rest of my life"

"We can see that you love her" my mom smiles "this is just alot to take in, we don't think badly of you at all Damian, no body can control their heart and for you to fall in love with Sky you can't have loved that other woman"

"Thank you" Damian says "I know I've already proposed and married her but it would mean alot to me to have your blessing to marry Sky again"

"You have our blessing" she smiles "don't they John"

"Yes absolutely, welcome to the family Damian" my dad says shaking his hand "and from now on it's mom and dad"

"Exactly" my mom smiles "so where are you planning to get married?" She asks

"Puerto Rico" I smile "We've just spent a week there and I've completely fallen in love with the place, Damian is Puerto Rican too"

"Lovely and have you set a date?" She asks

"In three months" Damian smiles kissing the back of my hand "I don't want to wait too long to do things properly"

"Well we better get saving John" my mom laughs

"No need" Damian says "I'm paying for everyone to fly out there and for the accommodation"

"Oh are you sure?" My mom asks and he nods

"Absolutley sure" he says "I want to, I don't want anyone to worry about costs I just want everyone to have a good time"

"He is definitely a keeper" my mom grins making me laugh "I insist you stay with us, give us time to get to know Damian better"

"We'd love to" I smile "thank you for being so good about all this"

"I'm not about to be mad when our little girl is the happiest I have ever seen her" she smiles "the road to happiness is never straight forward or simple but it is more than worth the rewards"

"Oh it definitely was" I say as Damian and I smile at each other "he's made my world a much brighter place"

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