24. Shattered

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Skylar POV

As I finish up getting ready in the bathroom I take an opportunity to look at myself from the side. I run my hand over my non existent bump and smile to myself. Right now I was completely content, anxious but content.

Damian had stepped outside to take a call just as I was about to tell the rest of what happened and in a way I was relieved. A part of me didn't want to tell him, just wanted to hope that it would all just go away.

"Hey I have some good news mi amor" he says wrapping his arms around me from behind and breaking my thoughts

"Oh?" I ask leaning back against him

"That house you loved in Puerto rico" he says kissing my cheek "it's ours twinkle"

"Really? Oh my god!" I gasp spinning round in his arms and wrapping my own around his neck

"You happy twinkle" he chuckles

"Yes, yes so happy" I smile "I can't wait to start making it a home"

"Me too" he smiles pressing a brief kiss to my lips "listen there is a couple of things I need to do and then we can go meet Matt"

"Alright but don't take too long" I say pecking his lips "baby is hungry"

Damian gives me one last kiss with his hand lightly on my stomach before leaving the room.

Damian POV

Leaving the room all I could think about was getting back to Sky, the video interview had taken far long than I thought but we would still have time to meet Matt.

I know she's keen to tell him our news before he hears it from some one else and so was I. I step out of the lift on our floor on to find Liv standing right in front of me.
Rolling my eyes I go to move around her but she stops me.

"How you doing handsome" she's asks rubbing my arm

"I don't have time for this" I say moving away but again she stops me

"Come on D, don't be like that, we were happy once right?"  She sighs

"Yeah.....yeah we were but then you ruined it" I say "I'm happy now though with Sky"

"Are we really going to keep doing this" she says "come on D, we've had time apart, you've had your fun, we both know it's supposed to be us, come back to me baby" she says wrapping her arms around me.

"There is no us" I say pulling her arms off me "I don't want you, I don't love you, I don't feel anything for you anymore. And don't think I don't know what you did to Sky wasn't an accident this morning"

"You're lying" she says looking up at me "I can see it in your eyes, you do still love me and I can prove it"

"Oh really how?" I ask rolling my eyes

"Kiss me" she says


"Kiss me and if you feel nothing I will walk away" she says wrapping her arms around my neck "kiss me D"

To my suprise I find myself leaning forward, maybe if I do this she will just leave us alone. I just need to prove I feel nothing. As our lips meet she pulls me closer and I grip her hips to stop myself losing my balance.

I feel her tongue run over my lips and I feel physically sick at what I'm doing. She parts her lips from mine and smiles up at me.

"Well?" She asks

"Nothing, absolutely nothing" I say pushing her away "now leave me alone" I say turning to walk away and finding Sky looking straight at me, her eyes wide, her mouth open and I know I can't beg my way out of this one.

Before I can speak she turns on her heel and rushes back towards our room.

"Sky wait" I call after her, I get the the room just as the door is closing. I stop it and follow her inside, finding her throwing her stuff into her suitcase

"Twinkle please let me explain" I say and she stops and stares at me

"Tell me you weren't just kissing her" she asks as tears fall down her cheeks

"I can't" I sigh hanging my head, the next thing I feel are Sky's fists pounding against my chest as she screams and shouts at me.

"How could you! And with her?" She shouts "your no better than the other men I've been with, I never should have trusted you"

With that she walks back over to the bed and closes her case, I watch her wheel it past me and stop at the door

"I want you to stay" I say quietly "I want the chance to explain I want us to work this out"

I watch her shoulders drop as she keeps her back to me. Her head drops as she let's out a sigh.

"I want a divorce D" she says before walking out of the room and my life, leaving me to fall to my knees in the middle of the room.

I had no excuses, there was nothing I could do or say to make this right. I had fallen right into Liv's trap, she must have known Sky was stood there and I stupidly went along with it.

Now I've lost everything, the sadness and hurt in my wife's eyes had broken me, I'd hurt her, the one thing I had sworn I would never do. My wife, my child, my life, everything had just walked out of the door and there is nothing I can do about it

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