28. All Rise

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Skylar POV

As our due date grew closer Damian and I made the decision that we wanted our daughter to be born on Puerto Rico. Shortly after making that decision we decided to make our second home our permanent home.

We both loved the idea of raising Kaia by the ocean and this island had come to feel more like home to me than Florida ever did. We were looking at this as a fresh start and the first chapter in our life together as a family, that is of course as and when our little girl decides to join us.

I was now a week overdue and she showed no signs of moving, she had clearly inherited her Papi's lazy gene. We were under orders to tell Rhea as soon as I go into labour so she can fly over with the stuff she had bought her.

"Hey how are you doing twinkle?" Damian asks as he places the groceries down in the kitchen

"Oh just peachy......she won't move, I'm uncomfortable I think we are at an impass" I sigh

"Our little angel will move when she's ready" he chuckles "she's cosy in there can't blame her for not wanting to leave" he says placing his large hands on my bump

"Well we've tried everything and I'm too uncomfortable to have any more sex" I sigh "What if.........what if you gave her a Judgment Day style speech maybe she will move then?" I say

"Alright I'll give it go" he says clearing his throat and focusing on my bump "Kaia, your time is up, it's time for you to meet the world, its time for you to RISE and join Mami and Papi" he growls

Almost instantly I feel a twinge followed by liquid running down my legs.

"You've got to be shitting me" I say looking at Damian wide eyed as he chuckles "no way in hell did that just work!"

"Come on let's get you to the hospital" he smiles guiding me towards the front door

In what seems like mere moments I am on a hospital bed in the delivery room with Damian by my side holding my hand. This was it, we were finally going to me her and ho,d her in our arms. Damian kisses my temple as the doctor examins me.

"Ok Mrs Priest, baby is crowning so I need a nice big push from you" he says and at his words and squeezing Damians hand I push as hard as I can

"That's it mi amor, you're doing so good" he soothes

"Excellent now we just need to free the shoulders" he says "another big push Mrs Priest"

I push once again with all my might pretty sure that I must be breaking Damians fingers at this point but the smile never leaves his face.

"Alright thats great, one last push and she will be with us" he smiles "not long now and you can hold your daughter"

With all the energy I have left I give one final big push and the room fills with Kaia's cries, as I look at Damian his eyes our fixed on our little girl as tears run down his cheeks.

"She.....she's perfect mi amor.......thank you......thank you so so much twinkle" he says pressing a brief kiss to my lips "I love you, both of you"

"We love you too" I smile tiredly

"Here she is" the nurse smiles as she places her on my chest, Damian softly runs his hand over her full head of dark hair and kisses my temple

"Welcome to the world Kaia Lyric Priest" I smile "mami and papi are so happy to meet you, your so perfect our beautiful little angel"

"She has your eyes" Damian smiles

"The rest of her is all you" I smile "I think Rhea may get replaced as your terror twin" I chuckle

"I'm sure she'll be cool with it" he laughs "she'll be too busy turning her into a mini mosher"

"God help anyone that messes with you" I smile kissing our daughters head "you have a whole bunch of crazy people to protect you, and that includes your papi"

"Hey! I'm not crazy just an over protective papa bear" he says resting his head agaisnt mine "now your mami on the other hand........."

"Be careful D, or you will get the first dirty nappy" I say and he makes the zip motion over his lips "that's what I thought"

"I can't wait to take her home, and to the beach and go in the pool with her" he smiles "I just can't wait, and maybe one day she will be joined by a sibling"

"I love your enthusiasm but let me recover first" I smile "let's enjoy her for while and then we can add to our family"

"Sounds like a plan" he smiles as Kaia grips his little finger "she's got a little vice grip going on here, she's going to be strong I know it"

"She has alot of people around her to show her that whoever she is or wants to be is ok" I smile "she's one very lucky little girl"

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