20. Cravings

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4 weeks later

Skylar POV

After our visit to my parents I had agreed to go back on the road with Damian. He didn't want to leave me on my own while I was still upset about my bother and I didn't really want to be away from him so it worked for us both.

Today on some rare downtime Damian had decided we were going to take some time for us. He had put together a small picnic and bought a blanket for us to sit on. He had taken me to a park near by our hotel and found us a shared spot by the lake next to a tree.

After laying out the blanket he had sat down and pulled me to him, he had sat me between his legs and lent me back, so that my back was resting agaisnt his chest. We enjoyed the view, with him occasionally feeding me some of the food he had brought. Being like this with him was nothing short of perfect and I found myself wishing we could do this more often.

I had noticed an elderly couple sat near by, they had a little radio playing and when he stood and got his wife to dance with him to an old song I couldn't help but smile, that to me was true lasting love.

"I hope we are like that when we get older" he says softly as he kisses my temple "I'd like to think the love we share is just like theirs"

"I hope so too" I smile "look how blissfully happy they are"

"You know I was also imaging us sitting in a park like this, you pregnant and me reading a story to our unborn baby" he says

"You paint such beautiful pictures when you talk about our future" I say turning my head to smile at him "I don't suppose you have an mofongo in that basket?"

"I'm afraid not, it's not really a picnic food mi amor" he chuckles

"Do you know where we can get some?" I ask

"I'm sure I could google it, why you don't like the food I brought?" He asks his brow furrowed

"No, i do its delicious I'm just really craving mofongo for some reason" I say "I'm sorry I didnt mean to upset you"

"Not at all" he smiles "I was just worried I'd picked the wrong things, let me see if I can find somewhere that does mofongo so I can satisfy my girl" he says kissing my temple before taking out his phone.

Leaning back against him I look around at the scenery and the people passing by, a woman with a pram passes by and I feel a pang in my heart. I wanted nothing more then to start a family with Damian but so far it hadn't happened.

"Sorry mi amor, looks like we are out of luck" he says "but there is somewhere in the next city so I will get you mofongo there"

I stay silent continuing to watch the woman with her baby, I feel arms wrap around me gently and lips kiss my cheek but my eyes never leave her and I can't ignore the sense of longing I feel.

"We'll get there twinkle, you'll see" he says softly somehow knowing exactly what I'm looking at and thinking "that will be you one day I just know it" he says as he flattens his hands out over my stomach

"I saw her and I just felt this longing you know" I say snuggling back into him "I want your baby D, I want something that's a part of you and a part of me"

"I want that too" he says resting his head against mine "maybe........maybe we should do another test" he says and I look up at him "I know we only did one a couple of weeks ago but you used the word craving and maybe we did the test too soon"

"You really think?" I ask placing my hands on top of his

"It's possible" he says "but let's not get our hopes up, we could go do it now if you want?" He says and I nod

Moments later we are stood in the bathroom of our hotel room, Damian with his arms around me from behind as we both stare at the white stick sat on the sink. I place my arms over his as I take a deep breath.

"You ready to turn it over me amor?" He asks softly

"You do it, I can't look, I don't want to see another negative test" I say turing my head away

He let's go of my with one arm and I hear him turn the test over and then......silence, absolutely nothing and my heart immediately sinks.

"Mi amor" he says quietly "I need you to look at this, I need to know I'm reading it right"

Slowly I turn my head and look at the white stick on the sink, the word pregnant is on the screen and it says 6 weeks. I stay silent as tears run down my cheeks.

"Puerto Rico" I whisper almost to myself

"In the ocean" he whispers back kissing my temple "who would have thought a spontaneous moment would give us such a beautiful gift, are you ok mi amor?" He asks

"Yes, I'm perfect" I smile "I just can't believe we already had what we wanted when we talked about it"

"Puerto Rico has always been special to me but know it's even more special" he smiles "I proposed there, we conceived our first child there, we're getting married there.........everything happens for us there, if this isn't a sign that we should live there when I retire I don't know what is"

"It's definitely a sign" I say turning to face him "a sign that falling I love with you was the best thing I ever did"

Smilinghe presses his lips to mine in a soft kiss as we enjoy this moment and the happiness we are both feeling right now. The beautiful picture of our future he had been painting with his words was starting to become real.

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