11. This Won't Work

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Skylar POV

I sit on the kitchen counter top as Damian's lips softly caress mine I couldn't help but feel like I was in the middle of a beautiful dream, I hardy dared to believe this was actually real.

After getting my cases his lips had found mine once again and they hadn't parted since. As Matt and I had gone to the airport in a cab, Damian allowed him to drive us home while we sat in the back seat lost in each other.

I had no idea exactly how long we had been kissing for just that it we had never stopped. I feel his hands travel up my legs I curl my fingers into the waist band on his jeans and tug him forward to completely close the gap between us.

I vaguely remember him muttering something against my lips about dinner as he brought me in here but I was in no rush to eat, at least not food anyway.

Finally he breaks the kiss allowing us to both catch our breath, resting his head agaisnt mine I can see a bright smile creep across is lips.

"I can't believe I wasted so much time when I could have been doing this" he says softly "I love you twinkle"

"I love you" I smile "I'm so glad you got to me before I got on that plane........oh no my stuff, it will be half way to Pennsylvania by now" I say trying to move but he keeps me firmly in place

"It's still here" he smiles "I told them they had the wrong address before I left to get you"

"You what?.......what made you so sure you'd stop me?" I ask

"I'd have followed you to Pennsylvania, I'd have done everything I could to get you back here" he says "I wasn't going to give up, I refused to lose you"

"Well it's too late for food now" I chuckle "how about we call it a night?" I ask

"I like the sound of that" he smirks "and tomorrow we can do something together as a couple. You head on up, I'm just going to lock everything up"

I press a brief kiss to his lips before hopping down from the counter, I make my way upstairs and to my room. I begin to get changed unable to keep the smile off my face, right now this was the happiest I had ever been and I didn't ever want to not feel this way.

Climbing into bed I snuggle into the covers and start to close my eyes until I hear some one clear their throat.

"What's wrong?" I ask opening my eyes and seeing Damian leaning against the door frame his arms crossed and a smile on his face

"What are you doing mi amor?" He asks

"Calling it a night like said" I reply I little confused

"Well this isn't going to work twinkle" he says striding across the room, before I can speak he moves the covers off me and scoops me up in his arms "being my wife comes with certain privileges, one of them being that you sleep in my bed with me" he says as he carries me out of the room and down the hall towards his room

"I didn't want to presume" I chuckle "We've only been together for...........oh my god did we seriously just kiss for four hours straight?" I gasp looking  at my watch

"Well if that's what your watch says" he smirks "just imagine how long I could go at other things" he winks earning a playful slap on the chest from me

"If you think for one........." I'm cut off by his lips capturing mine once again as he lays me down on his bed. As we kiss he straps down to just his boxers and climbs in beside me.

I break the kiss and take a moment to just take him in, I had never seen him like this before and he was truly I sight to behold. I run my finger tips nervously over his body hardly daring to believe I could actually do this. I feel him tremble at my touch and when I look up at him he's biting his lip

"Don't stop mi amor, I like the way your touch feels" he says softly

Maintaining eye contact I remove the shirt I had changed into leaving myself exposed to my husband save for my underwear "touch me D" I whisper and his large hands slide up my body to cup my breasts

I run my fingers up his body as our lips meet once again, his arms wrap around me pulling me close enough that our bodies are pressed together. One of his hands travels down the side of my body and lifts my leg to wrap it around him and I immediately feel his erection press agasint my core.

"Mi amor.....let me make love to you.......please" he pleads as his kisses become more desperate

"You don't need to ask D.......just take me.....I'm all yours" I respond not wanting to deny him or myself any longer.

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