27. Lo Hago

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Skylar POV

When I returned home with Damian we had been met at the airport by my parents, Matt and the rest of the Judgement Day. My older brother had been no where to be seen and I had to admit that it hurt that he seemingly didn't care that I had gone missing for a month......did he even know?

Damian and I had thrown ourselves into finalising the plans for our wedding, we had also found out the gender of our baby and picked out a name. We were yet to tell anyone as we had agreed to incorporate the reveal into our wedding.

While I was finding it easy to keep our secret he was far too excited to tell everyone, he was so proud of the names he had picked.

In no time at all we had found ourselves pack on Puerto Rico preparing to get re married with all our family and friends present.

"Don't be nervous, you've already done it once" Rhea chuckles as she straightens out my dress, I had chosen I light floaty dress that flattered my growing bump.

"I know but this time it's real.......does that even make sense?" I ask

"Yeah it does" she says "but I think the first time was real you just didn't realise it"

"Yeah maybe" I smile "you know, I know he doesn't like D but I still wish Andy was here"

"Forget him, you'd have to be crazy not to like D" she smiles "he's one of the coolest people I know and he is absolutely smitten with you......don't tell him I told you this but he sleeps with your photo under his pillow on the road"

"Aww that's so sweet" I smile "he will have to change that photo soon" I say running my hand over my bump

"Any chance you'll tell me" she smirks

"No you'll will have to wait like everyone else" I chuckle "but not much longer"

Rhea leads me out of the room and to my waiting father, I link my arm through his and he kisses my temple giving me a warm smile. Rhea hands me my bouquet and we start our walk down the aisle

"You look beautiful sweetheart" my dad whispers as we walk

"Thanks dad" I smile and then my eyes fall on Damian standing their on the beach in his smart suit, a big beautiful smile on his face and tears glistening in his eyes.

When we reach him my father places my hand into Damians and kisses my cheek before taking his seat.

"You look breathtaking mi amor" he smiles

"So do you" I smile back "I'd forgotten how good you look in a suit"

Damian leans into me his lips near my ear and whispers "I look even better out of it" before chuckling at my blush

The ceremony begins as we hold hands and look into each others eyes, Damian smiles as me as he rubs small circles on the backs of my hands.

"Damian would you like to say your vows" the officiant says and he nods

"Skylar, my Twinkle. I could list all the reasons why I love you but in the end it wouldn't be enough. I thought I was happy, I thought I had it all but then you came into my life and showed me exactly what I was missing. You took me as I am and you love every part of me without question. When I'm not with you I feel like I'm missing a part of me, you've made me whole, made my life complete and I can't imagine taking another step forward without you by my side. We've hit some bumps along the way but we became stronger than ever. You and our baby are my everything, I will be there beside you both always and I will love you both until my dying breath"

As Damian and I wipe our eyes I can't help but notice that Rhea has also teared up though she is trying to pretend she hasn't. I'm also amuses that she hasn't picked up on the gender hint in our wedding flowers.

"Damian" I say taking a deep breath "I was never meant to fall in love with you but you made it impossible not to. With just a smile you make me feel like the most special woman on earth, you show me every day how much you love me and our baby and I know we are truly blessed to have you. In a short space of time you have given me everything I have ever dreamed of, you made my dreams come true and I only hope that I can do the same for you. You are my love, my life, my everything now and always"

We exchange rings in front of our friends and family and the officiant finishes the ceremony, there is barely a second between him saying we could kiss and Damians lips finding mine.

"Are you ready?" He whispers and I nod as we turn to walk down the aisle. All the guests pick up their boxes of confetti that they had been instructed not to open until this point. As we walk up the aisle we are showered in bright pink confetti letting everyone know we are having a girl.

"Yes! Aunty Rhea is going to buy her the best clothes" we hear her shout as we smile at each other "Wait are we finding out her name? She asks

"You want to tell them mi amor?" Damian asks not taking his eyes off me

"No.....you do it.....you picked her name you should be the one to say" I smile

"Her name is Kaia Lyric Priest" he smiles his eyes still firmly fixed on me

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