19. Why?

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Skylar POV

Climbing into bed and slipping between the cool sheets I let out a soft sigh. I was exhausted, pretending like everything was aright in front of my parents when Damian knew it wasn't was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

As I rest my head on the pillow, large hands grip my hips and pull me back against a warm, firm body. Slowly strong arms slide around me and I lay my own gently on top of them.

"Finally some alone time" he says nuzzling into my neck "you know I can't stop thinking about condado beach, you walking towards me in a white dress with the sea breeze blowing your hair and our families watching on........I can't wait to marry you again, I love you"

Closing my eyes I swallow hard "why do you love me D?" I ask quietly

"I love you because you put effort into me, becuase nobody has ever loved me the way you do" he says softly kissing my shoulder "I love you because you make me feel worth something, you made me smile when I'd forgotten how to, because you have a big kind heart, I love every little thing about you. But must of all I love you because you're you........why do you ask?"

"Just something my brother said" I say keeping my gaze on the wall

"He made you doubt me? Doubt my love for you?" He asks and I feel him pull away from me a little despite me tightening my grip on his arms

"No, not at all" I say "I defended you, I just needed to be sure I was right to"

"And what else did he say?" He asks moving away from me completely and getting out of the bed

"He thinks you knew what Matt was doing, that you both tricked me into marrying you" I say "he thinks you're using me and that you will leave me just like you left Liv"

"I swear I knew nothing about what Matt did, I would never trick you into marrying me" he says pacing the room "I don't mess with marriage and I would only want you to marry me if you love me. I don't use people that's not who I am and I have no intention of ever leaving you, I want you for the rest of my life"

"I know.....I know that's what I told him" I say getting off the bed and walking towards him "I told him whether he liked it or not you're my husband, I love you, you're family and you're not going anywhere. I'm sorry I never should never have questioned you"

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have got mad" he says wrapping me up in his arms "I just.....I guess I never thought we'd have a conversation like this and when I thought you doubted me it hurt"

"So.....you still want to re marry me?" I ask looking up at him as a small smile creeps over his lips

"More than anything" he smiles

"Good because I really liked that picture you just painted of our wedding day, it's sounds perfect" I say as he tucks my hair behind my ear

"It will be" he says "we could have fresh flowers and their scent could fill the air around us. We could be bare foot and have the sand between our toes and just think of the wedding photos we could take"

"You've really but alot of thought into haven't you?" I smile "I want everything you said, do you think we can make it happen?"

"Right from the second you said you want to get married in Puerto rico" he smiles "and I promise you I will make it all happen, I will make the perfect day for my perfect bride. I love you"

"I love you too" I say pecking his lips "let's get back into bed"

In one swift movement Damian scoops me up in his arms and carries me over to the bed. Laying me down he climbs in beside me and pulls me to him wrapping his arms around me the way he did before. I honestly wish our wedding was tomorrow becuase I can not wait to re marry this man.

I feel his lips caress the back of my shoulder and I chuckle softly to myself and they move closer to my neck.

"It's a shame we are in your parents house" he says against my neck "I'd really like to make a baby with you right now"

"Well maybe if you didn't make it so damn hard to stay quiet" I say and he laughs

"What can I say I'm just that damn good you have to scream my name from the rooftops" he grins

"On second thought maybe you're not that good" I tease and he promptly starts tickling me

"Take that back twinkle" he says

"Never" I laugh "you shouldn't have been so cocky"

"I mean it take it back" he says

"Or what?" I laugh "what will you do?"

Without saying a word he rolls me on to my back and lifts up the shirt I'm wearing. In a split second his lips are on my stomach as he begins to blow raspberries against my skin.

"Ah......Damian.....stop......OK.......OK.......I take it back" I say laughing uncontrollably and stops looking down at me. I reach out and take his face in my hands, gently I move him forward so his lips meet mine in a tender loving kiss.

In this moment I knew I'd been right to defend him and my brother had him completely wrong.

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